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Hyunjin woke up first, smiling when he felt Felix holding him tightly against his chest. Somehow during the night they switched their positions and Hyunjin was the little spoon, his face nuzzled against Felix's chest while holding his waist securely.

It felt comforting, snuggling against each other and their limbs entangled, last night's events flashing in his mind like they happened just a second ago.

He listened to the steady beat of his boyfriend's heart, his relaxed body melting as he felt more tranquil than ever.

Felix whined, brushing his fingers through Hyunjin's messy hair, detangling it as he pushed his body closer against the warmth of the older but groaning when low vibrations from Hyunjin's chuckles buzzed against his chest.

He grabbed a fistful of the older's hair gently and tilted his head back "Stop vibrating" he muttered sleepily, keeping Hyunjin's head a few inches away from his chest. The older erupted in laughter, the entire bed shaking along with his body.

Felix pushed his body away from him, annoyed by being woken up but smiling at the sweet raspy laughter of his boyfriend.

Hyunjin grabbed Felix and pushed him back against him, nuzzling his face in his neck and smiling widely. He was happier than ever, the love of his life in his arms laughing along with him.

Felix's deep laugh warmed Hyunjin's insides, making him tickle the younger just to hear it again.

He loved his laugh too much for his own good.


January 2018.

Five months.

It's been five months since Felix came to Amsalja and everything started being worse than before.

It was hard keeping up with the act that Hyunjin hated the younger because— God, he was going insane.

He wanted to scream on top of his lungs how much he loved him but it wasn't that easy. Chan kept sticking to the younger and it was infuriating. Side eyeing and glaring at Hyunjin like he was the problem.

I mean, he kinda was.

But still, Chan always had to say or do something to push Hyunjin's nerves and make him snap. He wanted to stab him to death.

He knew they were together, it was obvious and Hyunjin accepted it. He knew Felix could never love him but Chan was doing something intentionally just to annoy Hyunjin and everyone saw it.

Currently it is New Year's eve. All 8 of them went to visit Changbin's house and meeting his family, the older stating that he wanted to "celebrate with his entire family"

It was pretty weird, sitting in the backyard of a house with thick clothes looking up at the fireworks. He felt warm. He wasn't starving. He was a little bit happy.

He wasn't used to this— all his life (from what he remembered) he was sitting on the dark streets, shivering from the cold and muttering wishes under his breath with each firework exploding in a dazzling  display of colours in the sky.

Even right now he muttered unconsciously a wish as he looked at the explosion of colours on the sky, trying to ignore the way Chan and Felix were making out literally in front of him.

He sipped from the juice in his cup wishing he could have had a bottle of alcohol but Changbin didn't let him touch anything that wasn't water or apple juice. Groaning internally he bit his tongue, trying to ignore the bitter taste of the juice and the view in front of him left on his tongue.

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