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"Holy mother!" he shouted.

They broke the kiss and Felix rested his head on Hyunjin's shoulder and started laughing.

It was literally expected to get interrupted in a moment like this. It always happens.

Hyunjin was trying to catch his breath, running his fingers through his hair as he panted, admiring the man's face, especially his swollen lips.

"Where the fuck are the swords when you fucking need them!" his cries were coming from the hall, the door slamming after him.

Hyunjin let Felix down and went towards the hall to talk with the boy.

Felix still trembled, chuckling, following the other. Hyunjin went to his room, still flushed, realising they were shirtless.

"Jeongin—" Felix laughed, resting his hands on his knees, his stomach hurting from the laughter.

Jeongin was swinging back and forth in a corner of the kitchen, hugging his knees and hiding his face. Felix crouched next to him chuckling while rubbing his back.

"Did you want to talk with me before the incident?" "I was hungry and I wanted to ask you how to make pizza dough," Jeongin said, his voice muffled.

He bited his lip, trying to not laugh when he saw how flushed the maknae was. "I'll make the pizza for you— as an apology" he said, rubbing the boy's back.

Jeongin nodded, hiding his face in his palms. Felix kept rubbing his back, understanding the boy's behaviour.

He was still confused about his sexuality and seeing that hot mess made him feel things that confused and embarrassed him.

"Let's go," Felix whispered, ruffling the younger's hair.

Jeongin sat at the counter blushing nervously when he saw that Felix was shirtless but fortunately Hyunjin came in the room, shirtless too, and gave him a T-shirt.

Felix nodded in thanks and put the shirt on and searched the drawers for the things needed.

"So, young boy. How's it going with... you know?"

Jeongin blushed again. This boy needs to control himself. "It's going good, lately, Chan started helping me understand some things about myself"

Chan, huh? Felix smirked— more like grimaced, thinking about Chan's words when they last fought and remembering how the older had a soft spot for the maknae. 

"Still in the closet?" Hyunjin asked, taking a bottle of water from the fridge. Jeongin nodded. "It will be okay I.N, you'll find soon" Felix smiled at him.

Why does this feel normal? We just kissed. Me and Hwang. What the heck.

Yes, it's confusing and hard to realise what your sexuality is but Jeongin was lucky to have Chan helping him find it. Even if in the end it doesn't end well, Chan will always be proud and there for him.

While Hyunjin was in the living room and Jeongin was thinking, Felix was about to reach the last shelf to get a bowl, still flustered.

Felix puffed in annoyance, putting his hands on his hips and staring at the miserable bowl. Chan will receive free torture for putting it there.

"Hwang!" Felix shouted, making the younger boy flinch. "Sorry" he smiled apologetically, his voice softening.

Hyunjin entered the room, confused as to why Felix was shouting his name. "Yes?"

"Give me that fucking bowl" he said, his voice raspy. He turned around, cracking the eggs.

Hyunjin chuckled but Felix turned around, an annoyed look on his face. "Don't try me, just give me the bowl"

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