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A/N: Let's take a moment to look at this two fine man— they are fine like the fucking wine, ong.

*August 2017/One month before Amsalja*

The sound of the crickets singing along with the weird sounds of the frogs filled the dark room, the moonlight peeking through the old curtains.

It was a hard night, as usual. Nightmares of his father haunting his sleep again.

Looking up at the ceiling, Felix sat numbly, his head empty trying to stop the tremor in his body. It was annoying how his body shook after such a nightmare, making the whole bed shake along with him.

He preferred to cry and let all the burden go down his cheeks in small droplets of salty tears instead of sitting there numbly, and shaking like a wet dog but he ran out of them a long time ago.

Sighing, Felix turned on his side, looking at the mess of black curly hair splattered messily on the pillow.

Shoving his hands under the pillow to keep them somehow warm— even though it was warm outside, the small room they were sleeping in was fucking freezing— he looked at Chan sleep.

It was weird, seeing him sleep. He never did.

Moving closer to the boy, Felix looked at his bare face, smiling at himself of how beautiful Chan looked. It was such a rare thing to see him without any make-up these days.

His eyes looked smaller and softer than how they looked with that bunch of eyeliner he wore daily.  Yeah, he looked really good with make-up on but still, he was turlu beautiful without that much product on his face.

Tracing softly with his thumb the slit of his left eyebrow, Felix but his lip remembering how Chan has gotten that scar.

It was a night like this, but his parents were still alive.

He remembered that day so clearly even now, it was a cold night at the end of april.

His father was beating him and his sisters, claiming that they were the reason why their mother was sick.

Fucking lies.

Sighing, Felix shook his head, trying to forget the scream and cries after Chan sneaked inside his room and found out the state of the younger, going straight to his father's office to beat the male.

That night Felix hid Chan in his room to treat his wounds, scolding him for his childish behaviour but being shutted up with a kiss at the corner of his mouth and the soft words mumbled against his cheek "You don't deserve this, Lix. I had to do something"

Felix caressed under Chan's eye, pursing his lips at the visible eye bags. He knew the older was tired, carrying such a burden on his shoulders, trying to keep himself and Felix alive, with a roof over their heads.

He was homeless when he met Felix under a bridge close to the younger's house. Freezing cold in the winter, wearing only a t-shirt and some sweatpants.

Chan was always grateful to the younger for sneaking him inside his room that night because if he didnt, he would have been dead.

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