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Jeongin's laugh echoed in the house, along with Minho's giggles. "Put me down!" the maknae screamed, slapping Minho's shoulder, his grip tightening around his neck when the older started running faster.


Changbin chuckled, watching Jeongin cling on Minho's back for dear life and screaming.

Everyone burst out laughing when Minho slipped, falling on his butt and Jeongin screaming with his famous dolphin scream.

Chan hurriedly went towards the males, hoisting Jeongin in his arms and kissing his face. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

Jeongin nodded, nuzzling his face in the crook of the older's neck, loving the affection.

"What about me?!" Minho said, throwing his hands.

Zariyah smirked, crouching down and picking Minho up in bridal style, making him yelp.

Jisung laughed heartily, taking a picture and wheezing at Minho's expression. "Let's put the baby to sleep," Zariyah teased, Minho slapping her arm softly before gasping, squeezing her triceps.

"Sweet Satan woman, what the fuck do you eat to have such muscles" "Bap"

Felix and Seungmin started muttering "bap" like broken records, smirking evilly and tickling Minho.

The older threw his head back, kicking his legs. "Noo" "Oh, yes" Seungmin laughed, sneaking his hand on the older's waist, wheezing when Minho screamed and jumped off Zariyah's arms.

"I hate you all!" he screamed, pointing at everyone before stomping angrily towards his and Jisung's room. "I'm going to pamper him up. See you tomorrow" Jisung sighed, leaving the room.

Changbin and Seungmin looked awkwardly at each other before quietly leaving the room.

Felix still didn't understood their dynamic but anyways—

He felt a pair of muscular arms around his shoulders and a soft smell of vanilla. He hugged Zariyah back, smiling at the given comfort. "Give him the earrings, he will love them" she whispered, kissing his forehead and muttering "Good luck" before leaving the room.

Hyunjin sighed, wrapping his arms around Felix, pressing his chest against the younger's back and leaning his head on his shoulders. "You know... it's a full moon tonight" he muttered, smiling when Felix's eyes lightened up.

Grabbing his hand and interlocking their fingers, Felix dragged Hyunjin in the elevator and pressed the last button, buzzing with energy.

Hyunjin just stared at Felix, admiring him.

He cut his grown hair and dyed it silver... just like at the beginning of the year when they met again after 3 years.

He didn't look so pale as before.

Felix's been home for two weeks now and he started being more lively, thankfully.

When the doors opened, Felix dragged the older after him excitedly, inhaling deeply and sighing when the fresh air hit his lungs.

Letting go of Hyunjin's hand, Felix crouched in front of the wall and pulled out the familiar brick, smiling as he took a joint from his hiding spot.

"Do you mind?" he asked, showing the blunt to Hyunjin. The latter shook his head, resting his hands against the railing and looking up at the sky.

"You know, while you were gone I came here almost everyday to smoke your joints"

Felix chuckled, inhaling the intoxicating smoke in his lungs. "I expected so many things but you smoking my weed, Hwang. God gracious, you're growing up" he mocked, receiving a soft push in the shoulder.

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