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TW: mature content.

Some actions in the chapter may trigger you, if you feel uncomfortable please skip this chapter.
Thank you

They never kissed like this. This kiss was different, more needy, more lust in it but their emotions too.

Changbin tangled his finger's in the dark locks, pulling them hard. Seungmin's tongue flickered against Changbin's, instantly gaining the dominance. His hands gripped the older's ass, squeezing hard and massaging it.

Changbin's moans were muffled by the kiss, humping their erections to erase the tension.

Seungmin got up, going in another room that apparently was a bedroom and slammed Changbin's body on the bed making it squeak and the headboard hit the wall.

He ripped open the older's shirt, throwing it somewhere in the room, Changbin unbuttoned fast Seungmin's shirt, letting it open and hanging on his body, his sculpted front showing.

His hands roamed on the feminine but muscular body. Opening his legs, his hand snaked around the boy's small waist and pulled him close to a desperate kiss.

"What a slut, opening his legs for me" Seungmin tsked, biting Changbin's neck, beautiful red teeth marks coating his skin.

Whimpering softly he started thrusting his hips upwards, making Seungmin bite harder.

After abusing Changbin's skin with deep bites, his skin all red and purple and blood coating Seungmin's skin, he got up searching in the room for something.

He thanked God, smirking, because all the bedrooms in this club were equipped with everything needed for a sexual activity. I owe you an old bottle of wine, Changkyun.

He walked toward the bed, untying the tangled rope. Changbin moaned at the sight of Seungmin with the shirt hanging on his shoulders and his pants resting loosely on his waist, his hair dishevelled and his chest having scratching marks.

"You sure, sweetie? I will go pretty hard" Seungmin rasped out, crawling in the bed, ready to attack his prey.

"Stop talking and tie me fucker" Changbin whined, feeling he will explode by the sexiness of the killer in front of him. "As you wish"

Gripping his wrists harshly, he tied them to the headboard. Changbin tugged at the rope chuckling "Tie it tighter so my hands can't move" Seungmin obeyed, making Changbin hum at the feeling of the rope bruising his wrists.

Taking off his pants along with his underwear, Seungmin took the lube and squirted the liquid on his fingers. "Open your legs, sweetie" Changbin did as he was told, flinching when Seungmin inserted two fingers inside him, pumping them fast, not giving Changbin a chance to adjust.

But Changbin didn't mind it, it turned him on more. He moaned when Seungmin added two more.

After getting used to the feeling, the older kept groaning, moving his hips in sync with Seungmin's hand. "Such a whore" "You love this whore,"

Smirking, he took off the rest of his clothes and squirted lube on his hard member before positioning himself at Changbin's entrance.

"Ready?" Changbin nodded, furrowing his eyebrows when Seungmin covered his mouth.

Chuckling, he slammed himself in the older, making him scream and roll his eyes at the brutal action.

Without waiting, Seungmin started to thrust into the male merciless, sighing at the feeling.

Changbin was biting his lip, trying not to moan to tease the younger, his toes curling at the pain.

"Fuck" he moaned loud when he felt a cold hand chocking him, the air leaving his body. The bed was creaking and hitting the wall with every hard thrust.

Seungmin placed Changbin's legs over his shoulder, his nails piercing one of the muscular thighs and the other hand resting on the headboard to support himself, his knuckles white.

Changbin couldn't help but moan, his prostate being hit every time. Seungmin leaned down and kissed the older, both moaning in each others mouth.

It didn't take long before the legs around the younger started trembling, pressing themselves together and stopping the air to enter in his lungs. He threw his head back, drops of sweat rolling down his forehead.

He started moving faster and harder, their bodies bouncing in the bed.

"Fucking shit, Seung—" his words stopped in his throat when Seungmin almost fell over his body, the headboard breaking under his hand.

Seungmin cursed, running his hands through his hair.

Changbin reached his climax after seeing that, pulling his hands down, the ropes cutting his skin.

Seungmin released his semen in the older after hearing him scream his name, licking the blood that was running down Changbin bulging biceps, his eyes rolling back.

After untying his hands, he collapsed next to Changbin. Their chests were falling and rising fast, panting for air.

After they calmed down, Seungmin got a warm cloth and helped Changbin clean himself before doing the same for the younger.

Changbin snuggled closer to Seungmin, resting his head on the crook of his neck, planting a kiss on his neck, placing one of his legs over the younger's, resting his arm on his waist.

Seungmin smiled. "You're so clingy. Weirdo" he said, trying to sound disgusted. Changbin slapped his chest, hugging him closer. "I know you smile idiot, now hug me back"

Seungmin wrapped his hands around the boy's small frame, scared to do something wrong. It's the first time he cuddled with someone.

I kind of like it.


Felix took a drag of smoke before resting his head against the back of the couch. He kept the smoke in his lungs a little longer. Before he could exhale it a pair of lips kissed his, caressing his neck before squeezing it lightly.

Felix passed the smoke to Hyunjin. After they stopped kissing, they exhaled the remaining smoke through their noses.

Felix felt he had a deja vu. The same thing happened months ago when he and Changbin drank together before they all gathered and intoxicated themselves with drugs.

He raised his hand, holding the cigarette as Hyunjin took a toke of smoke. He leaned down again, their puckered lips brushing against each other as he exhaled softly the smoke of the blonde inhaling it.

He loved doing this, especially with him.

Hyunjin licked Felix's lips smirking when he felt the younger's tongue licking his. "It's full moon today. Do you want to go to the rooftop?"

Felix hummed, getting up and crushing the cigarette in the ashtray.


Hello my dears.

I'm obsessed with ODDINARY, I already know all the fucking lyrics of all the songs and of course I obsessed all my friends with the album hehe 😈

Today is Hyunjin's birthday and he has to celebrate it alone 🥲 again.

I wrote this while watching his vlive, I almost cried...

Okay, see you soon 👀

Stay safe!



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