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The soft sound of boiling water filled the room. He stared at the pearls crashing against each other, rising at the surface forming a thin layer of foam with small bubbles of air.

He took a glass pipette, brought it to his lips and sucked softly, seeing the acid rise in it. He took it out of his mouth and covered the end with his finger for the substance to sit in the vessel.

He poured it in a volumetric flask where another chemical substance was poured after it was boiled.

Felix hummed a song, taking an erlenmeyer flask from a closet. He poured every composite in a different test tube. Taking with wooden pliers two tubes, he poured them in the flask, a small cloud of toxic chemicals evaporated in the air.

He poured the last tube, taking a step back before doing it for safety.

When nothing happened and the liquid turned a transparent white he huffed and took off his glasses.

"Good job son. You made the fentanyl perfect" his father patted him on the shoulder. Felix smiled, giggling. "Stop smiling, you look pathetic" the male said, taking the flask and inspecting the substance in it.

It was always like that. His father taught Felix to do things in the lab, it was the only moment when he really said a good thing to Felix.

But after that he will tell him that something about him was disgusting or pathetic. Like always.

Felix sat down, his back hurting. Yesterday his father beat him and his sisters again, saying that it was the reason their mother was sick and the fact he squished himself with Chan in his small bed last night didn't help at all.

But Felix felt something was wrong. He got up and climbed the stairs, going into the kitchen.

He stopped the fire from the stove seeing that the soup was finished. His body was aching and sore and his head was hurting.

He felt he was going to collapse but took a breath and put soup in a bowl letting it cool. After putting the kettle on the stove and letting the water boil, he opened the closet over the sink and took the box with tea bags.

Opening the box, a strong smell hit his nostrils. It didn't smell like medicinal plants. It was something familiar.

What the actual heck.

Ripping a tea bag, Felix saw a white- almost grey powder on the plants. He touched it, feeling its smooth texture and smelled it. It was solvents mixed with CNS and opioids.

His body started shaking, rage going through his body. He took the bowl of soup and went to his mother's room.

She was laying on bed, face pale, the bags under her eyes almost black and sweat on her face. "Hey momma" Felix smiled, his hands trembling.

"Lixie" Felix caressed her hair "Are you hungry? I have made soup"

The woman nodded and Felix helped her sit and feed her.


Groaning, Felix reached out his hand and hugged what was next to him. He felt so cosy and warm.

He frowned, nuzzling his face in Hyunjin's neck, sensing that something wasn't right.

The pillow under and next to him was too hard to be a pillow. He opened one eye, heavy from sleep, to see what was happening.

His eye met with a sharp jawline and plump lips.

What the—

Opening both his eyes wide, a blush creeped on his face. His entire body heated up as his heart started racing

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