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They were gasping for air when they reached the 20th floor, their legs shaking from running down the stairs of 30 floors.

Felix stopped abruptly, making Hyunjin slip on a stair and almost fall but holding himself up by the railing. "What's wrong?" "The cats" Felix muttered, dragging Hyunjin towards their room "Are you seriou—" "We will get the fucking cats with us, Hwang"

"Okay" Hyunjin muttered, letting himself be dragged by the younger male down the hall "You get brownie. I'll get the babies"

Letting go of the older's hand he ran down the hallway, calling the cat's names. He sighed when he heard all of them meow softly from Chan's room.

"Hi" Felix muttered, his voice turning higher, feeling himself slip.


Stay focused.

Soonie rubbed his body against Felix's leg, purring softly and pushing forcefully his head against the males ankle 

Squeaking when Doongie and Dori ran towards him, their tails swaying slowly as they rubbed themselves against Felix's body made the male dizzy, Lixie trying to slip in front.

His body started buzzing and vision getting blurry, giggling when Dori jumped in his lap.

For fuck's shake. Chain groaned, slipping in front, pushing the little back to Bokie.

Now it wasn't the time to play with the cats, the building could explode at any moment now. 

Feeling his body flinch, he got up and unzipped the thick jacket, grabbing the bottom hem of his hoodie, spreading slightly the material.

"Fucking cats—" He took Dori in his arm and placed the cat softly on the material, sighing.

"Why do I always end up doing the most pathetic things?" He muttered, picking Soonie up by the scruff but almost dropping him "God gracious, you're heavy" he said to the cat that was glaring at him and meowing loudly.

Putting him next to Dori they snuggled together purring. Chain huffed, putting Doongie beside the two cats, creating a bundle with his hoodie, hanging down on his stomach and stretching the material.

Adjusting the cats that were resting against his stomach he zipped the jacket enough to support the soft bundle made by the hoodie he was hearing but also to let them breathe, one of the cats sometimes meowing as he started walking towards his and Hyunjin's room and Dori sticking her head out through the gap.

Hyunjin stopped in his tracks when he saw Chain stomping cutely dowards him with Dori sticking her head out and the other two cats meowing and purring in the bundle against his stomach.

Even though it wasn't the right moment, he took out his phone and snatched a picture, making Chain scowl. "You're adorable" he cooed, caressing the younger's hair.

Chain swatted his hand away, grabbing his sleeve and pulling Hyunjin after him. "I don't understand why the fuck Felix wanted to carry the fucking cats. They're heavy"

Hyunjin laughed, hugging Brownie closer.

Entering the elevator and pushing the last button, Chan scrolled through his contacts, humming when he found the number he was searching for. After a few rings the person picked up.

"Good evening, Mr. Gyeol— it's Lee Felix. My deepest apologies for calling this late but we have a big problem"

Huffing, the male held his phone with his shoulder against his ear, moving one of the cats that was sharpening its claws with his hoodie, stabbing through his skin.

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