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The heavy drops of water hit the windows angrily, making a comforting sound for Jeongin. He sighed, listening to the hypnotic sound.

Minho stared out the window, watching the drops of water sliding on it, making an imaginary race with them, to see which one is faster.

There was tension in the car. Nobody spoke and just the pouring rain and loud thunders filled the silence.

Felix was staring in front of him at nothing, just dissociating. His mind was going crazy. Voices speaking, fighting almost.

Don't listen to Chain.

Felix frowned, looking around him. Jisung looked at Felix confused and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" "Did you hear something?"

Jisung shook his head slowly, raising an eyebrow.

Who the fuck is Chain.

Felix thought. The voices started calming down but he felt something weird happen.

He felt numb. His body— no, not his body, just him, was pulled back by something.

He started panicking, he couldn't control his body. His hand searched for something but he couldn't realise what.

"Yongbok?" Hyunjin's voice was far away. It felt like he was in a cave, everything echoing, bouncing in imaginative walls.

"Han, move. Now"

Jisung obeyed and Hyunjin jumped in the backseat next to Felix, pulling him in his lap.

He started rubbing his back and cupped his face. Hyunjin frowned when he saw Felix's expression. He blinked slowly, looking in void. It looked like he wasn't even there but his wide eyes and shaky breathing said something else.

Felix put a hand on Hyunjin's arm, squeezing hard. "Help," he muttered. "Listen to my voice, okay?"

"Put Get Luck, please" Chan put the song and it started playing through the speakers to make sure nobody else will hear Hyunjin.

"Hey. Yongbok. Do you hear me? Try and blink twice if you do"

Felix tried hard but felt like it wasn't working.

"Okay, you can. Listen to the song" Hyunjin whispered next to his ear, caressing his back and sometimes pinching the skin from his wrists, trying to make him snap out of his trance.

I'm Bokie by the way.

Felix opened his eyes. He was in a garden. It was like a garden from fantasy books.

Little fairies were flying around, purple, pink and white flowers hanging heavily down, making a curtain of colours. Big mushrooms being there and there, swinging softly along with the slight breeze.

There was a little pathway, surrounded by beautiful bushes of green leaves and weird but spectacular flowers.

Where am I?

Even if he didn't know where he was, he found comfort in that place.


Felix frowned, touching a red mushroom with white dots. It was almost his height.

He heard laughing and turned his attention towards a small child with platinum hair and blue eyes, smiling.

They had the same smile like Felix— they looked quite similar.

The little child was holding hands with a blue creature. It had the shape of a human just its colour was different along with long ears and black eyes. Their hair white like the snow tied in a messy bun.

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