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Multiple footsteps echo in the hall, making the males freeze in their spots.

Jeongin drew out the swords, groaning at the satisfying sound of them scratching the scabbard. Hyunjin took out his swords too, holding tightly on the handle while Chan loaded the gun.

They stood in front of Seungmin and Zariyah, ready to strike.

When the guards came around the corner almost slamming into each other and falling on the ground when they saw the males.

All of them bowed before the one in front started speaking "Master, where's your uncle?"


Why the fuck are they calling me master?

Hyunjin stared at him dumbfoded, confused as fuck. What was going on?

"Master Hyunho?" Wait, what?

Zariyah nudged Hyunjin, making him snap out of it, he looked at Chan who shrugged, confused too.

Perhaps he and Hyunho looked similar if the guards confused him with his cousin.

But then why did they call Chuldae uncle?

"He's busy in the office," Hyunjin said, placing the sword on his back. The guard nodded aggressively, looking around. "Someone got into the building we're trying to search for them"

Hyunjin nodded, crossing his arms and smirking "You can go and stay on the 4th floor, we'll handle the situation" he said, nodding towards the stairs.

All the guards nodded, heaving from running and bowing again before leaving.

"What was that?" Jeongin muttered, not understanding one thing that had just happened. "They're dumb, that's all" Zariyah said, pushing all the males towards the elevator.

"Changbin" Chain said, hearing a hum come from his earbud "4th floor, kill the guards" "Copy that" Changbin said.

After they got out the elevator, they got attacked by a troop of guards.

"Oh come on" Zariyah groaned, grabbing one guard by the shoulders, her sharp nails digging into his skin while she kicked him in the groin.

Dropping him on the ground, she felt someone tug at her hair. She smirked, grabbing the hand and turning it around along with her body. "If you touch my fucking hair, your teeth will be in my jar collection" she gritted her teeth, punching the male's face.

He spitted blood, along with some teeth. Before he could process anything a shiny sword went through his chest, making him choke a scream of pain.

The woman pouted "He was mine" she said, feeling someone behind her back, she crouched down making the guard fall. "Ops, didn't know he was yours," Jeongin said before cutting the man's head.

Chan sighed, shooting a fat guard in the stomach, feeling how the floor shook when he fell down.

"Jesus Christ"

Hyunjin barked a laugh, turning around and cutting some throats.

After they finished with killing the guards all of them heaved, trying to catch their breaths. "The 4th floor is clear" Changbin muttered.

"Do you see anything suspicious on the 5th floor?" one of them asked as they rested while leaning against the walls. "No, just a male walking in the hall. He's close to you"

With that, a clinket of shoes started getting louder.

Hyunjin cleaned his sword with the cloth of a random guard's clothes. He straightened his back and gulped, ready to kill who was getting closer to him as he started walking.

When the male was close to them, both him and Hyunjin stopped in their tracks.

Their eyes widened as they stared at each other.

"What the-" Hyunho muttered.

They started circling each other, staring from head to toe to make sure if it was real.

We are... twins?

He's my fucking brother?

Zariyah sneaked behind Hyunho, almost cutting his throat but being pulled back by a guard. "Fucking bitch" she muttered, stabbing the male while trying to get his grip out of her hair.

"What has everyone today with my goddamn hair" she hissed, turning around when the grip loosened and throwing a knife at the guard that walked fast towards her.

"Um, guys?" Chan whispered. Everyone answered, their jaws dropping when they heard the news.

"Hyunho is Hyunjin's twin brother"

"Interesting" Hyunho said, looking directly in Hyunjin's eyes. A shiver ran down his spine at the murdering look in his brother's eyes.

He took a step back while Hyunjin took one fourth.

"So, Hyunho you are the one that kept Felix here, hm?" Hyunjin rasped out, trying to hide the shudder in his voice.

He had a brother.

A twin one.

This is too much.

I need Felix.


His eyes turned glossy, tears ready to fall but caged. He will not drop any tears until he doesn't have Felix in his arms.

Hyunho kept taking steps back while Hyunjin walked towards him.

But what was he going to do to him?

Kill him?

Hug him?

Hyunjin stopped and took a deep breath, "Chan, kill him" he whispered before turning around.

He couldn't.

It was too much.

"Han, how's Felix?" he asked, holding the sword tightly in case he needed it. "He's asleep"

Hyunjin hummed, checking the halls before taking the elevator. "I'm coming there"


Jeongin twirled the swords, walking fast towards Hyunho.

The latter gulped, making eye contact with Chan who was slowly loading his gun. He then looked at Jeongin before turning around and sprinting down the hall.

"Fucking—" the maknae hissed, running after him.

They ran down the hall, sometimes sliding on the bloody floor and almost falling but keeping themselves up by the wall.

They reached the end of the hall, a big window covering the wall.

Hyunho looked around, seeing he couldn't run away.

Jeongin smirked, clinking his swords and staring intently at Hyunho but it was to no use, the silver haired male didn't even react to the hypnotising sound.

"What the-"

"Fuck!" Chan shouted when Hyunho opened the window and jumped. They ran towards the window and looked down, seeing the male fall.

They scrunched their eyes shut when they heard a 'thud', grimacing.

"Um, he jumped out the window. He's one with the soil now" Chan muttered, running a hand through his hair.

They heard Zariyah laugh through the earbud, the woman slapping her leg. "He's such a pussy, oh my God!"

Chan looked at Jeongin with an unreadable expression before stepping closer and kissing his forehead, pulling him close to his chest.

They can go home now.

It was finally over.

Little did they know that the real war only began.

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