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The lady opened the door, an awful smell of wet hair and dirt hit the males faces. "Take your time looking around" she said before closing the door after them.


Minho stepped between the cages, a lot of cats and dogs crying, barking and purring.

He looked around, clicking his tongue "I think I'll open an animal shelter in the new building, these animals are living in a hell" he muttered, turning around to look at Jisung.

Minho smiled softly seeing Jisung crouching down in front of a cage and playing with a brownish labrador and baby talk with him.

"You're such a good boy. Yes you are!" He started laughing when the dog started licking his hands that were scratching under his chin.

Minho looked around, smiling sadly at the poor animals locked in those cages.

Hearing a soft meowing, his head shot towards the cage the sounds came from, gasping softly when he saw a small striped grey kitten playing with a chicken toy, tuning on her back and looking cutely at Minho.

And Minho, being the sucker for cats, fell instantly for the small kitten. He opened the cage, cooing when the cat purred instantly when he put his hands on her and scratching behind her ear.

Slowly, he took her into his arms and caressed her back and head, pouting when the kitten rubbed her head on his chest.

"Hyung!" Jisung almost screamed, sprinting towards Minho.

The latter turned around, still petting the grey cat, his eyes softening when he saw Jisung.

He was all smiley, breathing heavily and his hair messy while holding two orange cats and showing them to Minho. "Look at them," Jisung said, swaying softly the cats in both his hands, their bodies moving smoothly with the movement.

Fuck— he looks adorable.

Minho chuckled watching Jisung struggle to hold both cats in his arms, one of them being more buff and squishy. "We are taking these three," Minho muttered, petting the cats in Jisung's arms.

The younger's eyes lightened up, his cheeks probably hurting from smiling so hard. "Really?!"

Minho hummed, freezing in his spot when Jisung pecked his lips; whispering "I love you so fucking much, you're the best" and hugged the cats closer to his chest, squeaking and running through the cages to talk with the lady.

"Hey, be careful—" Minho said, grimacing when the younger slipped and fell on his ass, the cats jumping from his arms and sitting on his lap meowing loudly.

"Ouch" Minho laughed, walking towards Jisung to help him up but the younger was fast to move, taking the two cats again in his arms and turning around to smile awkwardly at the older, blushing furiously in embarrassment.

"Give me the cats" Minho muttered, still caressing the kitten's chin and sighing in content at the relaxing purr.

Pouting slightly, Jisung placed the cats in Minho's arms, adjusting their bodies so all three can fit.

Minho kissed Jisung's lips to stop him pouting.

"Now let's go home" the older muttered against the younger's lips before pecking them again.

"Wait! I need to take a photo, you look so hot. Kitty daddy" Jusung sang, making Minho blush and smile shyly.


They ended up buying food, toys and beds for each of them. Minho and Jisung had a lot of fun washing the cats after arriving home from the vet.

Minho hissed, cursing under his breath, wrapping the more buff cat in a towel, trying to dry him. "Okay, he's the bratty one" he said, trying to take the cat out of the towel but his claws were in the material.

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