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"We're engaged"

Chan slammed the brakes, everyone reacting differently.

"WHAT?!" Seungmin shouted, his jaw dropping.

"Say fucking WHAT now?" Changbin screamed back, closing his eyes for a few seconds and opening them wide.

Hyunjin gasped, his soul almost leaving his body as he grabbed the door of the van.

"Holy shit, what a plot twist" Felix muttered, grabbing Hyunjin's hand that was covering his wide mouth and pushing his jaw up, to close it.

Jeongin just looked shocked at Jisung blurting that out, his head tilted slightly to the right and blinking confusedly.

Chan turned around and looked at Jisung in the back seat, then looked at Minho beside him; grinning like an idiot and squeaking like he was broken.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! My children are getting married. The FIRST and LAST one. Jesus Christ, I'm gonna cry right now" Chan rambled, waving dramatically his hand in front of his face, wiping fake tears— were they fake or real? Hold up...

Minho looked shocked at Chan, being taken completely off curad seeing his hyung from squeaking like a teenage girl to fully cry and hyperventilate.

Minho unbuckled his belt, looking panicked at the others "Um, guys. He's dying—" "For fucks shake, hug him!" Jeongin said, throwing his hands but ending in slapping Hyunjin's tight, the latter biting his fist in pain.

Minho's eyes widened when Chan started sobbing, blowing his nose with a tissue Seungmin gave him. "I don't know how— and why me?" "You're beside him!" All of them screamed at him, making him look at the crying male hesitantly.

He leaned closer, opening his arms and yelping when Chan grabbed him and hugged him tightly, making Minho wheeze and shift uncomfortably.

Changbin pouted looking at Minho and Chan rocking from side to side while Chan nuzzled his face in the crook of Minho's neck, sniffling softly. "I think I am gonna cry" he muttered, cursing when Seungmin slapped the back of his head. "Don't be such a pussy"

Felix and Jeongin looked at Jisung's hand, frowning when they didn't see a ring. "Where is it?"

Jisung scratched the back of his head, laughing awkwardly "Tonight he will buy the ring. The idiot asked me to marry him during lunch out of the blue"

Hyunjin cooed, dropping his head on Felix's shoulder and sighing "So romantic"

Felix laughed, throwing his head back and grabbing Hyunjin's waist, pulling him close "We all expected him to ask you while you were fucking—"

"Ayo! Don't out us like that" Changbin whined.

All the bickering and laughs stopped when Chan let Minho go, the younger of the two sighing and smiling softly at the older. He looked ridiculous crying.

Wiping his eyes and cheeks, Chan sniffled looking at everyone in the car "I love you guys..."

Jisung groaned, squeezing between the others to make it to the front row to hug Chan "We love you too. But don't cry, it makes you age faster"

Chan pursed his lips, feeling the salty taste of the tears. He cried pretty ugly.

"I am so proud of you" Chan muttered, hugging Jisung, squeezing him with his strong arms.

Jisung laughed, patting his back and rubbing it, stopping his movements to squeeze his shoulder "Damn, you're really buff. Muscle daddy~"

He wheezed a laugh, Chan slapping his back and chuckling.

"Sorry to interrupt the sweet moment, but can we please keep going, we're kinda blocking the right side of the road" Zariyah said, her sleepy voice coming from the back of the jeep— better said the truck.

"Oh and congratulations by the way" she shouted, raising her hand and making a finger heart.

Oh yeah... Zariyah was with them too. She got home that afternoon, she spent more time in Australia taking control over Chuldae's buildings and business.

Chan cursed under his breath, turning off the hazard lights and starting to drive, wiping sometimes his face.

He got really emotional hearing Minho say he was engaged... with Jisung.

The tears were happy and proud ones. Chan never expected to hear that two of his best friends will get married in a few months. Jesus, they always joked around saying those two will marry one day.

And here they are now.

Staring at each other so lovely, being so proud that they love each other. They were meant to be, or how others say; they are soulmates. Bound to be together. The perfect match.

"We arrive—" Chan didn't finish his sentence, the others already jumping out of the car and gasping at the lights and vibe of the place.

All the trees were wrapped with lights, starting from the bottom and going up to each branch.

All the buildings were lit by the lights that hung everywhere above the food stands, on the trees and fun fair games.

Christmas decorations filled the centre of the city, children running around and talking with the figurines or parents taking pictures of their small kids beside the huge decorations, cooing at the cuteness.

A big Christmas tree sat in the middle of the market, multicoloured lights flickering, red and gold baubles hanging from each branch, weighing it down and a big star shining in the moonlight on the top of the tree.

The place seemed intimidating, all the light being pretty overwhelming but warming their skins in the cold winter wind.

Changbin clapped his hands before rubbing them to warm them "So, what should we do first?" "Food!"

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