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They parted ways, Minho's group going towards the basement and Hongjoong's team going to the second floor letting the Manns deal with the remaining mobsters.

They should work their ass too.

Through the dizziness and flashes of what was happening, Felix found himself holding Hyunjin's hand, their team walking towards the basement.

A heavy feeling settled over him when they walked down the dark hallway. It felt like the walls had eyes and they were watching him, that the darkness had a voice and kept whispering next to his ear sweet cold words that made shivers run down his spine.

Felix's breathing started being ragged when they stepped in the basement, the humid air turning his stomach upside down.

Hold it in.

You're safe. Hyunjin is with you.

You're safe.

He was. Especially feeling Hyunjin's torso glued to his and they're interlocked fingers tightening their hold against each other.

I am safe.

His body shuddered when he felt like another body was pressing against his left side. Looking on his left he didn't see anything but still, he felt his skin tingle and warmth spread in his body.

We are safe. Chain whispered.

"We are safe" Felix muttered under his breath, Hyunjin squeezing his hand softly and rubbing circles on the back of the younger's hand.

Their footsteps echoed so loudly it felt that they could wake up the dead spirits wandering in the dark basement, all of them feeling goosebumps rise on their skin.

It was too quiet.

It was so quiet they could hear the whispering of the killed ones in the walls.

They finally stopped at the end of the halfway after what felt like hours of walking, facing a big rusty metal door. They could smell the old blood and rotting bodies from there.

Jisung shot the lock of the door, making it creak open slightly, a horrible smell spreading into the hallway. Minho stepped inside, turning on his flashlight.

"Felix you should stay here" Minho said after coming out of the room, his skin paler than usual. "What, why?" he asked confused, his brows knitting together.

Minho held the younger's shoulders and looked sadly at him "Just, please. Stay here with Hyunjin"

Felix nodded, confused about what was happening. He stared at Minho whispering something to Hyunjin before walking with all members except them inside the room.

"Why can't we go inside the room?" he asked after the others closed the door behind them. Hyunjin sighed, cupping Felix's face and caressing his cheeks, feeling under his thumbs the craved freckles. "It is better if we stay here, they can deal with what is inside the room"

Felix pursed his lips, the anger he long forgotten bubbling again in his stomach. "What is inside the room, Hyunjin?"

"I don't know! Minho just told me it's better if we stay here and guard the door in case someone comes.

Breathing deeply, Felix just nodded, stepping back when Hyunjin leaned down to kiss him.

He was so angry and confused.


"Sweet Satan" Minho whispered, covering his nose.

It smelt horrible.

The rotten bodies piled up around the room emanated the worst smell they had ever smelt. Mosquitoes were flying around the dead bodies, making an annoying sound and the insects that were walking around the ground and through the bodies were... disgusting.

Changbin walked closer to a pile "Stay away from them, God knows what bacteria and illnesses you could catch from there" Seungmin scolded the older but grimaced when Changbin crouched in front of a dead body.

But instead of finding out what he had been looking for, Changbin saw worms gushing out of the corpse's mouth making him gag and retch instantly.

Seungmin sighed and grabbed Changbin's shirt and pulled him back, slapping the back of his head. "Are you fucking stupid? How old are you, 5?!" he whisper yelled, rubbing the male's back. "Get on your fucking senses, Bin. You can get ill by sitting next to a rotted body"

"I wanted to see for how long they're dead" he rasped out, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. "Considering they're fucking rotting, it's been a few weeks or moths, moron. Now get your ass up before I don't kick you" Seungmin gritted his teeth, helping Changbin get up and wiping his pants softly. 

"Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you get mad?" Changbin said but yelped when Seungmin slapped his butt. "Shut the fuck up and let's find Mr. Gyeol's family"

"Guys, we found something," Jisung shouted.

Everyone went where Jisung and Chan were, gasping at the state of Mr. Gyeol's wife.

Mr. Gyeol pushed himself through the members, freezing when he saw his wife chained to the wall, almost dead.

"Mijae" he breathed out, dropping to the ground beside her and pulling at the chains. "What are you staring at? Someone help her out!" he shouted, making them all flinch.

Jisung, Minho and Chan went towards Mr. Gyeol, helping him unlock the shackles around the woman's wrists, ankles and throat. "Go search for the boys, they must be here," Minho said.

Changbin and Seungmin started looking around the dark room, searching behind the piles of dead bodies and through the dark corners but they couldn't find anyone alive. Or the body of two dead children.

"They must be in the other rooms" Seungmin muttered, sighing when they heard Mijae cough and Mr. Gyeol cry.


"Hyunjin, we need you outside" Jeongin said through the radio channel, his voice unclear because of the buzzing of the channel. "There are too many armed people" he heaved.

Hyunjin looked at Felix "Are you going to be okay here alone?" he asked, taking Felix's hand in his. The younger just nodded, smiling sadly at Hyunjin "Go"

Humming, the older pressed his lips against Felix for a quick kiss before answering Jeongin "I'm coming"

Starting to walk down the hallway, Hyunjin stopped and looked at Felix, grinning. "I love you!" he screamed, the words bouncing against the walls in an echo that made Felix laugh and smile. "I love you too!"

It felt so good screaming it.

It felt good hearing it echo in the hallway.

Sighing, Felix leaned down the wall, sitting down on the floor and looking boredly at the wall. He just came in Australia to guard a fucking door?

He flinched when he heard Zariyah's curse through his walkie talkie. "Felix? You're alive? Say yes if you are"

Smiling, Felix rook his walkie talkie and pressed on the side button "No"

He laughed when Zariyah cursed again, her words coming out as gasps. "Are you in the basement? I am walking down the hallway and I feel like I'm in a horror movie" she muttered. "Yup, guarding the door in the middle. Just keep walking straight, I think I can hear your steps"

After a few moments, he saw Zariyah walking towards him— well, he saw more of her eyes and bright clothes, her dark skin blending with the darkness of the hallway.

"Hello, there" she said, her thick british accent making Felix understand harder what she said. "Boss Minho told me to check the next rooms and I need company so let's go, you look like a fool standing there"

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