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TW: mature content, blood, sharp things! Some people may get triggered about some actions and scenes in this. So if you feel uncomfortable or triggered please skip. I will put an ! At the beginning of the possible triggering scene.

Thank you

Jisung giggled, tightening his grip on Minho's hand as they ascended the stairs.

"Where are we going Min" Jisung asked, feeling a blush spread on his cheeks when the older one turned and smiled softly at him.

Minho opened the door with his elbow, grabbing him by the waist and kissing him softly.

Jisung sighed, deepening the kiss, feeling his back leaning against the wall. "Finally some peace to enjoy this" Minho whispered, starting to leave kisses on the male's jaw and neck.

Jisung moaned softly, opening his eyes to see where they were. They were on the rooftop, the stars shining beautiful in the darkened sky.

He was about to close his eyes when he saw something moving on the floor.

He patted Minho's back, making the male raise his head and look at him. The younger nodded towards the floor, his gaze going there being surprised by the view.

Felix— the psycho, cuddling with Hyunjin. His jaw dropped seeing such a thing. "Am I still high or am I seeing right?" Han murmured.

Minho shook his head, taking Jisung's hand and pulling him towards the door.

Felix opened his eyes, hearing steps. He raised his head, feeling something warm against his back.

He turned his head and saw Hyunjin's head buried in his back, his eyes widening and body heating.

"Fucking Jesus—" he said, feeling dizzy after getting up. The steps stopped and he heard heavy breathing.

He turned slowly around, ready to fight if he was attacked. He froze when he saw Jisung and Minho at the door.

"What the—" he muttered, rubbing his forehead confused.

"We are leaving—" Jisung hurriedly said, leaving Minho behind, still frozen in his place.

Hyunjin got up slowly, staring at Minho and Felix.

Minho turned around slowly and went after Jisung, closing the door after him.

Felix blinked a few times, feeling the alcohol leaving his organism but the ecstasy from the weed was still there.

"Had something happened?" Hyunjin said, taking the bottle from the ground and drinking the remaining liquid.

The silver haired male turned around and looked at Hyunjin. Hunger hitting him.

Hyunjin rubbed his eyes, seeing spots. He didn't had the chance to react before Felix was kissing him.

Felix didn't know what was happening to him and why he was kissing Hwang Hyunjin but his body wanted it.

It felt like the need to drink water after running miles during a hot day of summer.

Hyunjin's hand gripped Felix's hair, making the younger groan. The kiss was heated, full of passion and something else. But what? Hate?

Their tongues searched the other's mouth, both of them melting at the action. Hyunjin slowly kissed Felix's jaw and then neck, teasing him.

Felix chuckled, wanting some adrenaline and fun. "I want to do something— in the basement" he muttered, Hyunjin feeling the vibration of his deep voice on his lips. "Then do it" he whispered, biting on his sweet spot.

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