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"Wait" Chan whispered, taking the gun and leaning down the window. He shot Hyunho in the stomach. He turned around, sighing and taking Jeongin's hand in his, interlocking their fingers.

"It's over" "Thank God" the younger one whispered, resting his head on Chan's shoulder, scrunching his nose when the older kissed it.


Hyunjin spinted out of the building, slipping on the wet ground but grabbing the door of the car for support, hitting his elbow.

Biting his fist in pain, he took a deep breath before opening the door, almost jumping in the vehicle.

Jisung flinched, fiddling around and holding the gun with shaky hands and releasing the breath he was holding when he saw it was Hyunjin. "Damn it, Jin. You scared me!" he whisper-yelled but was ignored.

The world seemed to stop for a moment when Hyunjin saw Felix again. The sound of Jisung's voice faded out, almost as if he was listening underwater. His legs felt as if they had given out beneath him, as if his body broke at the sight of his loved one.

Hyunjin inhaled shakily, seeing Felix squirm around as he woke up at the sudden noises.

"Oh my God, Felix" Hyunjin breathed out, leaning down to touch Felix.

The younger one flinched after he opened his eyes, leaning on the door while looking at Hyunjin with teary eyes.

"Don't hurt me Hyunho, please" he whispered, biting his trembling lip between his teeth.

Hyunjin smiled sadly, shaking his head. "Oh baby. You're safe, Hyunho is dead" he whispered, holding his hand in front of him, moving it slowly towards Felix.

He showed him his ring finger, the white tattoo being visible on his honey skin.

"Jinnie" Felix muttered, grabbing the hand and placing it on his cheek. He took a sharp breath, relaxing at the warm touch on his face.

Hyunjin looked at Felix's face, feeling tears run down his face as he traced the scar with his thumb.

"It's okay. You're safe now" he whispered, licking his dried lips.

Felix gulped looking at Hyunjin and crawled slowly towards him, holding the blanket tightly over his shoulders.

Jisung cleared his throat "I am going out, I'll leave you alone" he muttered, opening the door.

"Hyunjin" Felix mumbled, hugging Hyunjin tightly and starting to cry.

He missed him so fucking much.

His touch.

His warmth.

His laugh.

Just him.

Wrapping his arms around his neck, he sobbed into the male's chest, his own shoulders shaking. With his trembling small hand, he grabbed the olders shirt, trying to feel as much as he could of Hyunjin to know he is real.

Hyunjin relaxed at the touch, wrapping his arms securely around Felix and rubbing his back softly while nuzzling his face in the crook of his neck and kissing that spot softly, letting his own tears roll down.

Rocking their bodies, Hyunjin tighneted his hug, kissing Felix's cheek now "I'm here" he whispered, feeling the younger male stop shaking and keep grabbing his torso.

"I missed you so m-much" Felix said, sniffling softly as his grip got tighter.

Hyunjin smiled, caressing Felix's hair "I missed you too. Gods, I love you so much" he said, cupping his cheeks and wiping his tears.

They looked at each other, Felix pouting as tears rolled down his cheeks again. "Don't cry" Hyunjin chuckled, his own eyes watering at the sight.

Felix started dissociating, looking at Hyunjin numbly while the latter traced the scar across the younger's face, biting the inside of his cheek.

"'m hungry" Lixie whispered, sniffling softly and snuggled in Hyunjin's chest, trying to turn as tiny as he could.

Flashbacks from years ago haunted the little, remembering the pain in his stomach for not eating for weeks, his dad completely forgetting about his existence after locking him in the cold basement.

Looking at the ceiling to stop the tears, Hyunjin placed Lixie on his lap, hugging him tightly. "When we get home, I'll feed you. Okay?"

The little nodded, nuzzling his entire body in Hyunjin.

He wanted to crawl under Hyunjin's skin and never let go.

"Cold" the little said after some time, still sniffling and sometimes whimpering.

Hyunjin hummed, trying to reach for his jacket but failing. He groaned, shifting slightly and making Lixie whine.

"Shit" he muttered, sighing when he felt the male in his lap shiver.

Or was he shaking?

The door of the car opened, making Hyunjin flinch. Chan smiled at him slightly, giving him the jacket "Thanks" he muttered, putting it over Lixie's shoulders.

He leaned his aching back on the other door and pulled Lixie as close as he could.

"Is he okay?" Chan asked, looking at the two males snuggling with each other. Hyunjin nodded, running his hand through Lixie's hair and smiling when he saw his red ribbon.

Holding back a sob, he kissed the little's forehead, keeping his lips on his skin to know he wasn't dreaming.

It didn't seem real.

Everyone got in the car doozing off, leaving the two males alone in the back.

Licie's stomach started rumbling, already starting to hurt. He started crying again, rubbing his tummy and looking at Hyunjin with a painful look.

"Lixie is hungry" he muttered, Hyunjin wiping his nose with a tissue. "Just a few minutes, okay?"

The little nodded, nibbling at his lip and playing with Hyunjin's shirt. "What do you want to eat?" Hyunjin asked, petting Lixie's hair.


Hyunjin hummed, feeling Lixie lean his head on his chest.

"Chan" the latter hummed, eyes on the road as he stopped at a red light. "Can you call the staff from the house and tell them to make some bibimbap for Lixie?"

"Sure" Chan muttered, grabbing his phone and dialling the number of the chef from the house.

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