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At first it was soft, full of emotions and passion. They deepened it but emotions remained, transmitting through the kiss all the love they had for each other.

The kiss became more heated and deeper, both of them out of breath at the intensity of the make-out.

They broke the kiss to breath and Minho didn't waste time, his lips trailing kisses on Jisung's cheek down to his jawline.

Jisung tilted his head to the side, making room and tugging Minho's hair, making the older rumble lowly in pleasure.

"Fuck, Minho—" Jisung was cut off by a groan passing his lips when Minho bit at his neck, goosebumps rising on his skin.

An idea popped into Minho's head, smirking as he took something from the table. "What are yo—" Jisung cut himself, blushing harder as he looked at Minho, feeling his body weakening.

A strawberry glazed in chocolate sat between Minho's perfect lips. Jisung stared at them, his brain not working. "C'mon love, take a taste" Minho muttered, his hand cupping the back of the younger's neck.

That was too hot for Jisung to handle. He could just stare and feel, his lips slightly parted and his heart beating in his chest at a high speed.

He shook his head, ready to black out. He approached his face slowly before softly biting the strawberry. Their lips brushed and Jisung could feel the taste of the chocolate melted on Minho's lips.

The action turned both on, Minho squeezing Jisung's neck after they ate the fruit holding eye contact. The present tension turned heavier, both of them feeling the shift of it.

Jisung cupped Minho's face and kissed him, their tongues searching the other's mouth and the faint taste of strawberry and chocolate stayed on their lips.

Jisung's back collided with the wall with a thud making both of the boys gasp when they grinded against each other.

"Fucking Satan" Minho whimpered, closing his eyes as he felt Jisung's lips on his neck, leaving a mark.

Their lower bodies slightly touched, the friction making Minho step closer and closing all the gaps between them.

He started grinding slowly, feeling Jisung moan softly against his neck.

"Aren't people here?" Jisung whispered, his head resting against the wall as he moved his hips, making the stimulation grow.

"I booked the floor for us tonight, and even if people were here, their ears and eyes would be blessed" Minho muttered, hissing when the younger buckled his hips.

"I love that my man is the mafia leader" Minho chuckled, kissing Jisung again, his hands slithering under the boy's sweater.

Jisung was the perfect definition of feminine. Small waist with soft abs, muscular chest and arms but somehow still looking softer than buff and Minho loved that.

"Hm" he hummed when he felt the abs under his palm. "They're more stronger now I see"

Jisung chuckled, putting pressure against Minho's hips making the male sigh.

His hands snaked around Jisung's slim waist, holding him as they left the room after taking a bottle of champagne from the table.

They were in a bedroom now, how did they get there? Fuck knows.

Minho placed Jisung on the centre of the bed and him on top. He took a sip from the champagne, sighing at the sweet taste. He leaned and kissed Jisung, passing the liquid to the other.

As he swallowed the alcohol, Jisung took off his sweater staring at the older man unbuttoning his shirt calmly and slowly.

He threw the shirt on the floor and pecked Jisung's lips before starting to trace kisses down his neck and chest, taking his time.

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