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Finally, the awaited day arrived.

They were already in the private plane, putting their bags with different items in the cabins over their heads.

As the plane took off, Changbin felt sick so he went in the other cabin to recover, Seungmin following after.

The tension between Jisung and Minho was thick, you could cut it with a damn knife. And trying to avoid awkwardness, Jisung followed the two lovers, giving Minho space, after all he looked like a dead corpse.

Minho sighed, slumping in his seat and looking through Instagram to kill time. After all, 13 hours is pretty much time.

Hyunjin took a seat next to Minho, rubbing his shoulder. "You alright?" he asked, smiling sadly. Minho nodded, gulping the nod forming in his throat. "Yeah, I just need something to distract me" his voice was weak.

"I wanted to ask you," Hyunjin muttered shyly, moving his hand away. Minho eyed the younger suspiciously, waiting for the male to continue. "Lixie slipped in front, I think Felix is scared of heights and I am exhausted, I need a few hours to sleep, could you watch over him?"

Minho nodded, understanding the younger's need for sleep. No one could sleep the last few nights due to stress, excitement and fear.

"I hope he will not turn the plane around" Minho chuckled, looking around. Hyunjin chuckled, shaking his head as he took out some crayons from his bag. "Don't worry, he's very cuddly and calm"

"Lixie" Hyunjin shouted, placing some colouring books on the table. "Yes?" the little asked, walking towards his caretaker. Hyunjin helped him sit on his lap and tucked a blonde strand of hair behind the little's hair. "Jinnie needs some sleep, Minho will stay with you, okay?" he asked, kissing the blonde's cheek.

Lixie nodded, smiling cutely at Minho, making the older melt and smile back. "Thank you" Hyunjin said after he buckled Lixie's seat belt and caressed his hair. "Hope you sleep well!" Lixie said, kicking his feet "I will" Hyunjin smiled, pecking the little's lips before walking away.

Lixie tilted his head, staring intently at Minho. "You seem sad" he muttered, fumbling around, trying to take out something from his pockets.

"Give me your hand" he said, taking out something small from his pockets. Minho obeyed, extending his hand and waiting patiently for the little. "Here" he smiled.

Minho looked at the items, moving them around in his palm, "Why did you give me rocks?" "They are not rocks, kitty kat! They're crystals, Felix uses them to make him strong! He feels happy after he plays with them, I think you should do that too"

"You learned that name from Hyunjin, am I right?" Minho booped Lixie's nose, making the little giggle and nod. The older tsk-ed softly shaking his head and chuckling.

"So, what is the name of this rock— crystal?" "The purple one is amethyst, the black one is obsidian, for healing. The pink one is for love and the yellow for luck." Felix gasped, taking the malachite crystal from Minho's hand and placing it in his bag.

"What happened?" the male asked confused, furrowing his brows "That one was malachite, it's bad for your zodiac sign and you can manifest things with it"

Minho's face turned scary, looking intently at Felix, "Give me that rock" "No! It's a bad one, especially from you" "Give it to me, please" Minho tried to make puppy eyes but received a soft slap on his face "No! Put those in your pocket or I will take them too"

Minho rolled his eyes, smiling sadly. He placed the rocks safely in his pocket and patted it. He felt a little better after he put them on but perhaps it was because of the younger one.

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