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Chan announced later that day on the group chat that they will go visit the Christmas market around 7pm.

And Hyunjin had a hard time trying to take the cats away from Lixie and help him get ready. 

Sighing, Hyunjin closed the door and leaned his forehead against it, unlocking his phone and playing Felix's favourite song "Okay, Chain or Felix, if you are around please slip in front. I don't think I'll manage to take care of Lixie all night"

Currently it was 5:30 pm and Hyunjin really wanted to take a shower without worrying that Lixie would have a panic attack or hurt himself.

Listening to the song for a few moments, Lixie stopped whining at Hyunjin to give him the cats back, looking numbly at the wall and blinking slowly.

When the song ended, Felix shook his head, getting up and groaning "Jesus Christ, how long did Lixie play with the cats, my back hurts like shit"

The older chuckled, kissing Felix's forehead and hugging him. "Since lunch" "Oh my God" he whined, wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's torso.

They stood like that for a few minutes, swaying softly from left to right and Hyunjin pecking nonstop Felix's forehead and cheeks.

"We should get ready, Chan wants to take us to the Christmas market," Felix groaned again, leaning his head against Hyunjin's chest "Right on Christmas Eve when it's fully packed?" "Unfortunately"

Sighing, Felix let go of Hyunjin and waked in the bathroom, the older following shortly after him.

"I'm taking a shower" Hyunjin muttered, kissing teasingly Felix's cheek before starting to undress and step under the hot water. 

Felix hummed a song, washing his face before taking the shaving cream from the closet under the sink and applying an even layer on his face; chuckling when he saw himself in the mirror.

Hyunjin started singing Bad Romance in the shower, making Felix smile as he shaved his face.

It felt so good to be back home. To feel warm, smell something other than dirt and mould. To be able to shower with warm water.

Flashbacks from a few weeks ago flashed in Felix's mind, feeling the sharp blade shave raw his face instead of the razor.

He looked in the mirror, seeing blood drip down his cheek down to his neck. Dropping the razor and wetting a towel, he cleaned his face, looking at the soft material and seeing no trace of the blood.

Looking back at the mirror, Felix gasped, touching the scar across his face, seeing it open, blood dripping down his face and in the sink. A shiver ran down his spine, almost feeling the pain he felt that day when they cut his skin.

Turning on the sink and scrubbing at his hands, his breath started getting ragged as the water turned red and the blood on his hands didn't go away.

His stomach dropped, feeling a whip hit him continuously on his back, the wounds starting to burn.

He took several steps back, his eyes not looking anywhere else than his bloody hands. Not noticing the carpet, he tripped and fell, his eyes starting to sting and his lungs to tighten.

"Hyunjin—" Felix heaved, grabbing his neck, feeling like he is dying.

No— I don't want to die.

Hearing his heartbeat in his ears and feeling it beat fast in his chest, Felix's hands went automatically in his hair, pulling at it as he choked on sobs.

A star, two stars.

A star, two stars.

A star, two star—

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