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I re-updated the chapter because I added some things in it, if you already read the chapter today, please continue from the ____ sign.
Thank you


After being forced to drink that protein shake and showering, Hyunjin scratched his nape looking through his closet. Should he dress more formally? Or casual? Jesus..

Picking up a black dress shirt with black slacks he put them on, rolling his sleeves to his elbows and accessorising the outfit with a silver chain and his usual rings.

"Fuck it" he muttered, combing his hair and leaving his room after taking his leather jacket.

Walking in the living room he threw himself on the couch, sighing from tiredness.

He heard a yelp and someone shouting curses while Changbin's laugh echoed in the whole house as he ran in the living room and hid behind the couch.

"Seo fucking Changbin" Seungmin said, shivers running down Hyunjin's spine at the cold tone. "I'll kill you" he sang, entering the room where the two males were.

Changbin started giggling, jumping on the couch, landing in Hyunjin's lap. "Ooof, the heck is wrong with you" Hyunjin groaned, raising his head.

"The little bitch sprayed cologne in my mouth and eyes" Seungmin muttered, walking towards the two and snatching the older from Hyunjin. Changbin started screaming and punching Seungmin when the younger threw him over his shoulder.

"Time for a little punishment, brat" he sang, leaving the room

Chan came into the room, looking at Seungmin carrying Changbin and whistling. Seungmin turned around and the older looked from behind the younger, his face red from staying too much hanging down. "Don't fuck now, we're leaving in 10 minutes" he said, buttoning his shirt.

Seungmin shrugged, leaving the room and the laughter started again.

Hyunjin pursed his lips, remembering how he and Felix used to be so childish and chase each other around while Chan tried to stop them.

Oh, how satisfying it would be to dig a hole and hide in it.

"You ready?" Hyunjin shook his head, snapping out of it and humming while staring at Chan putting shoes on.

Minho walked into the room, Jisung clinging on his back like a koala. Apparently all of them were dressed the same, perfect.

Humming a random song, Minho took the car key while Jisung stared intently at what his boyfriend was doing, his chin resting on his shoulder. He looked adorable like that, just like a quokka.

"Why are you carrying him?" Jeongin asked, taking other keys and playing with them.

"My back hurts and I'm too lazy to walk," Jisung muttered, making Minho nod.

Hyunjin snickered, getting up and taking the keys from Jeongin. "You're fucking whipped" "It is what it is! By the way, you're taking Changbin and Seungmin with your car" Minho sang, winking at Hyunjin before leaving with Jeongin and Chan.

Perfect ...

Sighing, Hyunjin braced himself, walking into the room and screaming "Okay horny dogs, you have two minutes to put the clothes back on. We have to leave"

Why is he always the one to see those two but ass naked and having sex?

"Like I don't have enough trauma—" Hyunjin muttered, checking his outfit.


"Took you long enough," Chan smirked, leaning against the car. "My apologies, master. I had to wait for those two to finish their quickie" Hyunjin bowed his head, slamming the door of the car shut.

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