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TW: mature content

Some actions in this chapter may trigger you. If you feel uncomfortable please skip this.
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Hyunjin searched his pockets, cursing at himself for forgetting his knife in the other pants. Felix took slow steps towards the taller, intimidating him with his murk stare.

He stopped when they were 16 feet (5 metres) apart. "What did I do, Hwang?" Felix said, his voice raspy and deeper than Hyunjin ever heard.

"You fucking blown up a building" "So?" Hyunjin sighed, thinking about how to bring Felix back. "People died, Yongbok"

Felix smirked, pointing the knife at Hyunjin and nodding slowly "That was the point" "Innocent people died. You could kill just the guilty ones"

Hyunjin backed a step back when Felix took one forth "People die in war, no matter if they're guilty or not"

"We are not in war"

Fuck, what do I do. How can I help him?

Felix turned around, staring at the corpse. "Are we not?" he muttered, crouching down and breaking the dead man's ribs, yanking his heart out. "You're lucky our teams found your signature and took it before someone else did" Hyunjin huffed, staring at Felix squeezing the blood out of the heart.

"Do you even listen?" "Is weird how a muscle that pumps blood can turn you crazy" Felix murmured, getting up and turning around. "What are you talking about?"

Felix smiled. If he wasn't in his head space he would look cute but now— it sent shivers down Hyunjin's spine. "Do you see this?" he held the organ in front of him, blood dripping from his palm, making a soft sound hitting the ground.

"I have the same thing in my rib cage. Clouding my mind and making me do things" Hyunjin furrowed his brows, confused. He swallowed the lump in his throat, observing every move of the younger.

He might move slowly but you never know what he can do.

"I did it for you" Felix growled, dropping the organ and laughing.

Hyunjin's heart fluttered, feeling like he falled harder for the boy in front of him.

Am I turning into a psycho too?

"Why did you do it? Why for me?" "They wanted to hurt you"

Why do I feel like this?

Hyunjin's breath was caught in his throat and his body froze feeling the drop of blood dripping on his cheek.

He looked to the side, his breath hitching as he saw the blade of the knife close to his eye and his hand trembling, trying to hold it still.

"Nobody hurts my Jinnie, I am the only one I can" Felix screamed after he threw the knife. Hyunjin gulped, closing his eyes, his insides melting at the pain, finding all that was happening a turn on.

He wasn't scared of Felix in this state. He knew sooner or later this would happen, but he didn't expect to feel aroused by it and he let the younger pour his feelings over him.

Felix tilted his head, smiling again. "I want to fucking kill you. You make me go crazy. You always did, but now because of something else" he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek and walking towards him.

Hyunjin stared at the blonde, the knife falling on the floor, the metal clinking at the impact.

That's when he saw it. Felix was trapped and the tear rolling down his freckles, making them shine like stars was his call for help. Behind those dark eyes were the scared brown orbs. 

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