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During Amsalja

Changbin groaned feeling the alcohol burn his throat and stomach, warming it up.

"How the fuck can you endure this all day?" he asked, watching Hyunjin gulp the whole bottle like water. After wiping his mouth he threw the bottle somewhere in the room "I love it, the dizziness and burning. It's amazing" he muttered, leaning back on his elbows.

It was weird seeing Hyunjin so carefree, relaxed and— smiling.

"Why are you happy?"

Hyunjin sighed, caressing the mattress he was sitting on and looking around the bedroom. "I've never had this"

Changbin frowned "A room?"

Hyunjin's smile widened "A bed" he muttered, dropping on the soft bed, addicted to the feeling of warmness and softness against his spine, being too used to sleeping on rocks and hard concrete all those years.

"Wait. You're telling me you never slept in a bed?" Changbin asked, eyes wide as he started at the tall male he met just a few hours ago "No, as far as I remember"

"Damn, man. This must be heaven for you" the older muttered, taking another sip from the bottle, grimacing at the bitter taste of whiskey.

Hyunjin hummed, getting up and taking another bottle from beside his bed "So tell me about you, Hwang" Changbin asked, intently watching the younger drink.

He really had problems with drinking.

Hyunjin shrugged, finishing half a bottle "I don't even know things about myself. I lived on the streets since I can remember. I stole and killed so I can survive, that was all my purpose"

Leaning his elbows on his knees, Changbin watched Hyunjin closely, there was something that was troubling the younger.

"Are you an alcoholic?" Hyunjin nodded, pursing his lips "But I am trying to get better"

One of Changbin's brow rose, taking the bottle from Hyunjin's hand and putting it down. "I'll help you with that, I was an addict too"

"To what?" "Meth"

Hyunjin huffed, rubbing his face "We're sick" he muttered, Changbin chuckling at that "Hell yeah"

They talked a little more about their past, getting to know each other better after pouring all the alcohol they had remaining in the sink, much to Hyunjin's whining.

Both were laying Hyunjin's bed, looking at the ceiling. "Do you have a crush, or a relationship?" Changbin blurted out.

Hyunjin looked baffled at the older "What? We're teenagers after all" "True"

Changbin turned on his side, looking at Hyunjin's side profile. "There is someone" the younger whispered, smiling as he stared at the ceiling.

"Tell me about them"

Hyunjin laughed, covering his face, blushing just at the thought of it.

"You're blushing! Such a cutie" Changbin cooed, pocking Hyunjin's side, mocking the younger. Receiving a slap, he giggled "Shut up"

"He's fighting a silent battle and I wish I could be beside him, for fuck's shake, I am not even sure if he is still alive"

"Damn, that's pretty rough" "This world is too rough" Hyunjin whispered. Turning around he looked at Changbin "What about you?"

"Never fell in love, but I know once I'll fall, it's going to be deep. I am not interested at the moment but I know I prefer men" Changbin muttered, resting his left palm under his cheek "So you're gay?" "Yup. What about you? You give me bi vibes"

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