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"What?" Felix asked, his hold on Hyunjin's hand loosening.

Minho sighed "We need to rescue Mr. Gyeol's family"

"N-no, we can't go there!" his voice rose as he pulled his hand away, his skin crawling at the thought of being touched.

He doesn't want to go back to Australia.

He won't go.

Ever again.

He couldn't even think about the country's name without feeling like throwing his guts out and pain shoot through his almost healed wounds.

"We have to go, Felix" he shook his head, the air getting heavier to breathe. "Couldn't he stay home with one of us?" Hyunjin asked, almost begging them to let Felix stay in Korea.

"Unfortunately no" Chan sneered.

"And why's that?" Hyunjin clenched his jaw.

A familiar sense of deja vu hit Hyunjin. A few months ago they were in the same situation, fighting over Felix because Chan was forcing him to do things that anyone else could have done too. It was annoying how Chan always did those things just to fuck with Felix's head more like it wasn't enough. "We have to be all there, the Manns were there too when we went to rescue Felix"

Hyunjin just stared at Chan, holding himself back from killing the male. "They will understand Felix's situation. But if Jeongin was in Felix's place you would had let him stay home and force half the crew watch over him—"

"Don't bring him into this" "Oh but I will. You would have done that, right? You're doing this intentionally just to make sure you fuck Felix up"

Felix didn't even hear them anymore, he just kept shaking his head, hearing the screams that haunted him from those cold dark cells as he felt himself being swallowed by the floor and pain shoot through his entire back. He felt like he was falling endlessly into a dark hole, small memories of everything that happened to him somehow flashing in front of his eyes as he called for Bokie but remembering she wasn't there anymore.

Chain couldn't do anything to calm and reassure him.

"I am not doing this intentionally, we need the whole crew to save his family, Hyunjin." Chan fired back, his hold on the table tightening as Jeongin flinched back from the aggressiveness of the two males.

"We have hundreds of men, the world will not end if Felix won't come with us for fucks sake!" Hyunjin said, looking at Felix and taking a step closer to him but stopping when Felix stepped back, trying to get away from him.

"We can make an exception—" Minho started but Chan cut him off "No, he is coming with us"

"No" Felix breathed out, the sound coming out more like a gasp. Everyone moved their attention between the two former lovers.

Felix opened his mouth to speak but no words were coming out, his throat closing. He saw a knife on the table and quickly snatched it.

He is going to kill Chan. He isn't going to Australia.

Jisung threw himself over the table and grabbed the blade of the kitchen knife, pulling it away from Felix's trembling hand, cutting his palm.

Minho quickly threw the knife away from his fiancé's hand and pressed on the (not so deep) wound with a towel "Are you crazy?" he hissed, inspecting Jisung's palm. "He was going to stab him, Minho. What the heck do you expect me to do? Watch him kill Chan?"

Chan walked closer to him "Lix, you have to come, we need you" he touched his shoulder but Felix shoved him away, shaking his head frantically, his eyes filling with tears. "No" he rasped, shoving Chan again.

I hate you.

He wanted to spit those words out but he couldn't. His body shook harder with each shove, screaming continuously "no" while sobbing.

"You're going to be safe, stop being dramatic" Chan grabbed Felix's hands to stop him from shoving him but Hyunjin was fast to pull his hands away and tried to hold Felix's hands but he was shoved too stumbling back from the force the younger had.

Felix's hectic breathing was heard in the entire room, everyone jumping up from their seats when he grabbed Chan's throat and shook his body forcefully making the male choke.

That's it, Felix. Kill him.

He shook his head while staring at Chan, feeling himself getting angrier just staring at his face. His hold tightened, making Chan gasp and slap his hands but it was to no use. "I ha- hate you" he gritted his teeth, staring back into the black eyes he used to love, crying silently as the only thing in his mind was the thought of killing him.

He has had enough of him and all his shit.

If he had to kill the whole building just to not go back to Australia, he would gladly do that. He'll blow it up or leak it with gas. Jesus, he will do that while smiling.

Chan's body started going limp, alerting the others. Changbin wrapped his arms around Felix's body and pulled him away, making him scream, kick his legs and squirm trying to free himself from the tight hold while Minho tried to release the grip around Chan's neck.

Jeongin hid his face in Jisung's arm and covered his ears, scared.

Everything was a mess.

Hyunjin's stomach twisted. He couldn't believe anything. How did they end up in this situation? Why did this have to happen?

After they managed to free Chan from Felix's hold, Seungmin went beside Changbin who ended up straddling Felix and holding his hands above his head while he cried and kept screaming.

He was out of his mind, Chain's voice whispering to him to kill Chan. To kill everybody. To just run away and escape all this.

It was appealing. All of those things.

"No!" he cried out when Seungmin pressed two fingers under his jaw where the carotid artery was making him faint.

Hyunjin sat in the corner of the room where he was pushed and watched the whole thing happen, his heart dropping seeing Felix knocked out on the ground while Changbin wrapped his arms around his limp body whispering apologies.

He looked at Chan who was coughing while Jeongin held a glass of water in his trembling hand, rubbing the elder's back.

What the fuck was Chan planning? Why didn't he let Minho finish talking and why was he forcing Felix to come with them to Australia?

"He's such a bitch." Without even realising, Hyunjin strided towards Chan and punched him straight in the jaw, wincing when he heard a cracking sound.

It hurt like a bitch for sure but he deserved it.

He truly did.

"I don't know what you are trying to do, Chan. But once I find out of that little plan of yours and you touch Felix ever again I will kill you and I am dead serious."

Chan looked up at Hyunjin, rubbing his jaw, eyes teary from the pain. "You always take things away from me, go fuck yourself and Felix, Hyunjin" he spitted out, dropping back to the ground when Hyunjin slapped him. "Disrespect me as much as you want but don't you ever think of disrespecting Felix. You're walking on hot coal, Chan. Better watch your next move or you'll become what you're walking on"

He walked towards Felix and picked him up in his arms, wiping his wet cheeks after kissing them. "Get over yourself and act like a true man, not a fucking loser" he said to Chan before walking out of the kitchen.

One more mistake and he will destroy Chan. 


Just a filler chapter. I promise it gets better from here.

It's really interesting how much shit can life throw at you in one week..

Stay safe!


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