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After two weeks of waiting, Minho finally started making the pairs and giving code names if they wanted or if it was necessary. And oh lord, what a beautiful combination of pairs. Nobody is going to be alive at the end of the day.

Almost nobody.

"Jeongin and Changbin. Amazing pair. Sword master and weapon fabricator and besides many things, Changbin, sniper and FBI undercover" Minho pointed at Jeongin "Code name: I.N.—" and to Changbin "your name or Bin."

He pointed to Seungmin and Chan "You two. Two maniacs that know how to steal properly, drug dealers. Seungmin, casino administrator"

"Hyunjin and Felix. The best killers and spies. Potion, Muay Thai masters. Felix, torturer" Minho said, gaining a few ooo's from the ones at the table.

"Everyone here knows martial arts but you two, just amazing" he shook his head slowly, thinking about many things.

"And finally me and Jisung" he smiled softly "Code name: Lee Know and Han. I am a bomb technician and a part of the bomb squad + head of the mafia.  Let's say that Han is just 'The Ghost'" he said, making Jisung blush.

Fucking whipped.

He clapped his hands getting up from the table. "I'm going to the office, Sungie you come with me— everyone is going with his pair and doing what's in their schedule. Have a good day"

Felix looked at the schedule, smiling when he saw Muay Thai training. Finally he can beat the anger out of him and Hyunjin.

They walked in silence in the training room, the echo of their footsteps bouncing against the stone walls. The tension between them could be cut with the knife, but the two males tried to ignore it.

As they entered the room both of them pulled off their shirts, Felix replacing it with a baggy tank top.

He started wrapping his hand with cotton wraps, carefully wrapping his wrist, hand, thumb and then fingers trying to not make wrinkles during the process, sighing loudly when he felt Hyunjin stare at him. "What?"

"Why aren't you using competition wraps? During Amsalja you used them" Hyunjin asked, bending down and adjusting his position before taking the dumbbell that looked too heavy to be lifted.

Is he fucking stupid?

Felix stopped wrapping his hand, watching how the veins on Hyunjin's arms popped out as he lifted the dumbbell as if it was a feather.

More strong and muscular.

Felix gulped, continuing to wrap his fingers. Try to be nice, Felix. "They are not reusable and are not good for training— cotton is more okay" he shrugged, finishing his other hand.

He headed to the punching bag, adjusting his position. He started with a jab, a cross and after an uppercut followed by a hook. He kept doing them at random times, mixing the punches.

He started going harder and violently, his breath becoming ragged and his limbs starting to feel numb.

He needed a distraction, he felt full and tired.

All the rage going in his fist, punching away the tension. He really needed to smell the blood, to feel its warmth and texture on his skin or at least see it. It didn't matter if it was on a knife blade or knuckles, he just needed blood.

"Hey! Calm down" Hyunjin said, putting down the dumbbell. "Don't tell me what to do Hwang" Felix breathed heavily, still punching like a maniac.

Hyunjin put a hand on Felix's shoulder, making the boy turn around and throw a punch. Huynjin managed to defend himself in time, throwing a punch from reflex.

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