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"Fucking bastard!" Felix shouted, tossing his clothes into the suitcase . "I swear I'm beating the shit out of Minho"

"Hey hey hey, why are we screaming?" Chan said, entering the room . Felix rolled his eyes "Look on the group chat where my room is" he mumbled, starting to fold his clothes aggressively.

"Don't you want to stay in room 206?" Chan asks, confused by his boyfriend's behaviour. "Oh, but I want to. Look who's in 208. I will chop Minho's dick off"

Chan frowned and moved his gaze to the phone, he whispered an oh and started laughing. Felix threw a hanger after him, muttering dick under his breath. "It always happens to me"

"Oh come on, darling. You live for drama and hate. Now you have it" "I swear to fucking god I'm going to put ammonia in your food." At Felix's words, Chan stopped instantly knowing very well that Felix was able to do it and that he will watch with pleasure as he slowly dies.

"Okay, you know you can always stay in my room" Chan clapped his hands, sitting on the bed, grabbing Felix's tense shoulder and making him rest his back against his legs "But you never know Lix, maybe you will get along and maybe even be friends—" Felix glared at him planning how he will pour the chemically substances in his food tonight "He was fucking eating you alive. He stared at you all night, haven't you seen?"

"We hadn't seen each other in 3 years, maybe he planned how to destroy my life— again" Felix threw his hands, already flustered with this discussion.

He felt weird just thinking about the talked male. It was enough for him.

"If you say so" he shrugged "But listen here little boy, we all grew up in many ways in this years. And by the way he looked at you, there was something different besides hate" Chan said, getting up and leaving the room.

It was never hate. Chan whispered to himself.

Felix threw a shoe after Chan, swearing under his breath "Love is in the air, pretty boy" Chan shouted from his room. "Go fuck yourself, fucker" "Oh, but I will"

Felix sat for a few minutes wondering if the morgue doctors would laugh if the cause of his death was slamming his head against the wall.

He shook his head and continued to fold the clothes. If he wants to play like that, then let's play.


Everyone sat at the table and ate quietly, enjoying a glass of wine. "I hope everyone is happy with their room and their neighbours,'' Minho said after he finished eating, wiping his lips with a handkerchief.

Everyone nodded except Felix who scoffed slowly. Before dinner he was threatened by Chan that if he said anything at the table, in the morning he would wake up on the balcony, hanging down on 70 floors.

So he sat quietly at the table, making comments in his head, drinking a bottle of wine alone. "All right, Felix?" Jisung asked, a little concerned.

"Fantastic," Felix murmured, a disgusted smile on his face, bringing the bottle of wine to his lips and swallowing a big gulp. Jisung nodded, frightened by his friend's behaviour.

A boring discussion started at the table and Felix felt the need to throw the bottle of wine into Hyunjin's head and shout 'enjoying the fucking view, idiot?'

He rolled his neck, slowly rising from the table. "I'm going to my room. The meal was delicious—" he said softly to no one in particular. "Oh. I'll take this too." He aggressively took a bottle of red wine from the table and headed to the door.

"Don't be too loud jerking," Changbin shouted, bringing the glass to his lips. Felix lifted the bottle and turned to face the table, a finger pointing at him, still walking towards the door.

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