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The voice of the teacher was faded, the only thing he could hear was the scratch of the pen on the paper.

He kept turning the paper in different directions, huffing when the freckles didn't look like he wanted to.

He took the rubber and carefully erased the small dots, trying not to smudge the small nose.

He was drawing, again, the boy that always kept popping in his head, especially before he fell asleep.

Will they meet again?

Will they have their happy ending, by any chance?

Is he still that way? Empty...numb?

I wish I could hold him close to my chest, massaging his scalp and kissing his lips.

Hyunjin smiled dreamily, thinking how it would feel to kiss that boy again.


"Yongbok," he whispered, smiling shyly and gently touching his lips.

That name sounded so pretty, rolling so swiftly on his tongue.

Hyunjin didn't know why he acted that way, he was confused.

The door opened and a small figure stepped in the room. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, today a new student will join us"

Hyunjin ignored it, still staring out the window and playing with the pen. "Please tell us your name"

"Lee Felix" the boy whispered, feeling intimidated by all the eyes on him.

Hyunjin snapped out of it and turned his gaze on the small boy. The pen slipped out his hand, rolling on the table and falling on the floor.

His eyes were wide open, mouth agape.

It can't be true—

"Okay Felix, please take a seat next to Hyunjin. Right in the back" Felix nodded and walked fast towards the back of the class.

"H-Hey" Hyunjin stuttered, pinching his thigh from acting so stupid. "Hi," Felix smiled, looking down at the table and frowning.

Why does he look so familiar?

He shook it off, pulling the sleeves of his hoodie over his hands and bouncing his leg.

Hyunjin huffed, getting annoyed at the awkward atmosphere and his racing heart. He placed a chocolate bar in front of the boy and started drawing again.

"Thanks. But what for?" Felix muttered, looking curiously at what the older was drawing. "Helps with anxiety"

They didn't talk after that, just sharing small glances and smiling awkwardly at each other.

When class ended, Felix took the bar from the table and opened it, Hyunjin's eyes catching something silver on the boy's finger.

"Sorry for asking but from where did you get that ring?"

Felix looked at his hand, zoning out. "I don't remember... but it helps me a lot" he frowned.

"Hey there" Chan put his arm on the boy's shoulders, pulling him close. He nodded towards Hyunjin and started walking with Felix down the hall "So how it was—"

At that moment Hyunjin felt his blood boil. He didn't remember him—

I hate you so much.


His hold on the male's hand tightened as he heard the doctor's words.

"You have DID. Dissociative identity disorder."

"And what does that mean exactly?" Hyunjin said, rubbing circles on Felix's hand. "He has multiple, distinct personalities. Maybe you saw that Mr Lee acted sometimes like he wasn't himself, maybe possessed or being in his head space?"

Hyunjin nodded slowly. "That's when another personality is in front and can cause memory loss to the host, they're called alters."

"Chain and Bokie" Felix whispered, his eyes glistening as he stared at Hyunjin. "The alters have different genders, sexualities, personalities, tastes, looks, even their voice or accent can change."

Felix shuddered, his mind going crazy.

No it's not true, don't listen to that fucker.

Ugh, I want to throw a damn knife at his ugly face.

Yes, yes he is! Shut up.

"Stop," Felix whispered, shifting closer to Hyunjin, the older putting a hand around him and rubbing softly. "The voices you hear are the alter's. You need to start getting along, Mr Lee, or it'll be a hell for you"

Felix nodded, gulping the lump forming in his throat.

Everything will be okay, Felix.

"From what you told me. Your first alter is maybe a demonic one. Their names usually connect with the trauma that made them but they can change their roles and different smells, songs, actions can trigger them. Don't worry, with time it'll get easier."

After the doctor explained more about it, Hyunjin and Felix left his office.

Felix felt three fingers massage between his brows. "You're frowning," Hyunjin whispered.

"Right—" Felix muttered, he smiled softly when Hyunjin put his arm around his shoulders and pulled him close.

He leaned down, looking at the younger's face "What about going now to that date we talked about?"

Felix shrugged. "I am scared something will happen"

The older sighed. "I am here, Yongbok. Nothing will happen, trust me"

Silence fell over them, as they walked out the building. Huffing, Felix interlocked their fingers "Fine"

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