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Without wasting time, Hyunjin got up, Felix wrapping his legs around the males waist and burying his head in the crook of his neck, leaving a hickey on the honey skin.

When they arrived in their room, Hyunjin placed Felix in the middle of the bed, taking his shirt off and throwing it beside the bed, going back down to kiss his boyfriend.

He was nervous but excited.

Hyunjin was really scared to not trigger Felix and scare him. This would be their first sexual activity after what happened in Australia and the older was sweating from how anxious he was.

Felix broke the kiss, caressing Hyunjin's hair. "Stop worrying, if I feel even the slightest uncomfortable I will tell you, Hyunnie. I trust you so just enjoy it, okay?" he muttered, kissing the corner of the males mouth, making him exhale shakily.

Running his hands down his thighs, Hyunjin scraped his nails softly against the material making Felix shiver. "You never bottomed before, right?" He shook his head, pulling Hyunjin between his open legs and kissing his neck.

"Are you 100% sure?"

"Don't kill the mood, Hyunjin. I trust you and I really want it but if you don't then we can stop, I don't mi—" he was silenced with a kiss on his lips. "I want it"

"Then relax" Felix whispered, taking off his shirt and wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's neck, their chests touching.

Hyunjin leaned down, nibbling softly his jaw and neck, making Felix hum at the sensation.

He licked a strip from the base of his neck up under the jaw bone, tracing the hickeys he has left.

Moving lower, he started licking and sucking softly Felix's left nipple and pinching the other one while the younger kept buckling his hips against Hyunjin's, whimpering.

He moved slowly, taking his time, making sure to caress and kiss all the skin, letting them linger to make sure Felix felt it.

But from the hitching breaths he already knew Felix felt them and clearly enjoyed by how he pulled Hyunjin's hair.

Going down Felix's stomach, Hyunjin kissed the scar from the navel to the hip bone, pulling his pyjama pants and underwear down, his knuckles brushing against the quivering thighs.

Hyunjin laid on his stomach between Felix's legs, after placing a pillow under the younger, opening them wider and placing them on his shoulders.

He blew on the males entrance, making Felix tense "What are you-" he cursed when he felt Hyunjin lick softly his rim while holding eye contact.

He thanked God for having the idea to douche that afternoon (he usually does it weekly to feel more clean).

"Opening you up, pretty boy"

Hyunjin massaged the younger's thighs and sucked his entrance, smirking when he felt Felix flinch. "I don't think it's a good— fuck"

Hyunjin pushed his tongue inside, stretching Felix lightly and making him close his legs but Hyunjin held him in place.

Running his hand up Felix's stomach to his face, Hyunjin placed three fingers on Felix's lips waiting for him to open his mouth.

Understanding the assignment, Felix sucked on Hyunjin's fingers, moaning when he felt the male kiss his inner thighs and suck the skin. 

When he felt it was enough, Hyunjin took his fingers out of the younger's mouth and brought them down, inserting two effortlessly.

He thrusted slowly, making sure to not hurt Felix and buried his face between the males legs, pushing his tongue inside along with his fingers.

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