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He was hungry.

Jesus Christ, he would kill to eat some warm steak made by Minho. Only to smell it.

Felix looked at the mirror, grimacing at the image in front of him.

He was still slightly bulky, his abs prominent along with his biceps and thighs but he was skinnier.

Turning his torso, he clicked his tongue, seeing his ribs under the thin skin on his side.

The food was horrible. He even saw rats walking over the dry bread and dead insects in the broth.

Luckily, he has the privilege of eating twice a week at a high rated restaurant with his lovely 'friends'; Chuldae and Hyunho.

That was the only thing that kept him healthy.  Eating three dishes to fill his stomach until he feels ready to pop.

Felix sighed, brushing his long hair and tying the upper half, just like Hyunjin, with the red ribbon that was still in perfect condition.

As the material was wrapped around his hair, a thin warm blanket settled over him. The fucking red ribbon he hated so much at the beginning of the year gave him such comfort now, at the end of it.

A knock at the door made him snap out of it, he hummed, a guard opening the steel door and throwing him clothes.

He frowned, looking at them. They were the clothes he first came in.

Felix smiled slightly, feeling the leather hug his skin just perfectly.

"Ready?" the guard's groggy voice echoed in the dark room. Felix nodded, scrunching his face when the guard sprayed him with cologne.

Smells like shit.

Chain said before slipping in front but letting Felix be co-conscious. He didn't know why, but he felt like something would happen today.

Sighing deeply, Chain walked towards the elevator, leaning against the wall and playing with the belt around his hips, staring deeply at the guard.

A new one, hm.

Chain tilted his head, humming at Felix's words. The male looked really suspicious but familiar too.

"I know you from somewhere" Chain blurted out, the guard flinching at the deep voice.

"I don't know sir" he shrugged, looking at the wall with wide eyes.



The guard flinched again, gulping nervously.

Okay, he acts really weird—

The doors of the elevator opened, the guard exhaling deeply. Chain rose a brow, smirking slightly.

He walked in his room, shivering at the heavy feeling sletting over him.

Looking for the last time at the guard, Chain closed the door, winking at him before chuckling at the males expression.

"Stay around, something feels off" Chain muttered, checking the room for any suspicious things.

Everything seemed to be left exactly how he left it, only the bed sheets were changed.

Three knocks echoed in the room, making Chain freeze in his spot and turn his head slowly, looking over his shoulder at the door opening.

Let the shit show begin.

Taking a big breath, he tried to relax his shoulders. He had to do his job and that's it.

The first thing he noticed was the voluminous and beautiful afro of the woman stepping into the room.

He looked at her up and down, his jaw almost dropping. The woman was really beautiful.

I know her.

Chain tilted his head, turning his body slowly and smirking. From where?

"Hello gorgeous," he said, walking slowly towards her.

Why the heck is she here?

The woman smiled at him, placing her hand elegantly on Chain's shoulder and pulling him closer.

"Remember me?" she whispered hotly next to his ear. Chain hummed, Felix telling him about his date with Hyunjin at the funfair.

Pulling his head against her neck, Chain started kissing slowly the dark skin. Zariyah ran her hands through his hair, chuckling after seeing the red ribbon. "Act like you're seducing me, we need to talk"

"Okay" he whispered, grabbing her hips slowly and pushing her against the door.

She looked around the room, seeing the camera in one corner but no microphone. "I'm with the boys"

Chain stopped for a moment, looking at Zariyah and dissociating.

Felix blinked, starting to kiss the woman's neck again. "You're with Hyunjin, C-" "Mhm"

He gasped, Zariyah leaning down and starting to  kiss him.

They came after him.

He's getting out of this hell.

They are here, in this dirty building, breathing the same air as him.

Felix whipered in the kiss, hot tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Shh" Zariyah muttered, kissing his cheeks softly "Don't cry baby"

She wiped his tears, smiling softly at him. She looked at the camera and smirked, seeing the red light stop shining.

She grabbed Felix's shoulders and pushed him slightly away, staring deeply in his eyes. Feeling under her palms how Felix shivered, she patted his head. "Xu Kai, the guard from earlier will open the door and escort you to the car. We'll get Chuldae and Hyunho, okay?"

Felix nodded, sniffling and wiping his tears.

He felt the little around, ready to slip in front.

"Chain" he whispered, hearing a hum at the back of his head. Zariyah looked at him confused, blinking awkwardly.

"Get in front, a little wants to slip"

After a few moments, Chain straightened his back and groaned. "Chain" he muttered, extending his hand.

The woman took it and frowned when the male kissed the back of it "Zariyah"

She scratched the back of her head, staring shocked at Chain "Why did you speak alone and your voice and attitude changed?"

Chain chuckled, sighing "I'm a protector alter, Felix is the host. He called for me to get in front, a little was ready to slip hearing that Hyunjin's here. He's their caretaker"

The woman frowned, nodding and clearing her throath "Okay..."

The door opened, Zariyah pushing Chain out of the room. "Why can't i fight with you guys?" he pouted, the woman tsking softly "Just get in the car"

She spoke in chinese with the guard before turning her back and running towards Chuldae's office.

She will fight with a dress on?!

"Damn, these women" he shook his head before smiling at the guard. "Well hello Xu Kai"


Hello my dears.

I am back.

This week I'll update again, a lot hopefully.

Today's one year since I started writing this story.

Thank you for your support and kind words. I never expected to get this far at 70k reads , seeing so many people enjoy this crazy story and have so many friends from so many sides of the world.

I am really glad you're here <3

Stay safe!



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