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Three days later

"Hyung..." Chan hummed, closing his eyes and hissing at Jeongin's movements. When the younger hit that spot Chan's body shivered, his mouth opening and a satisfied moan passing his lips.

"Does it feel good?" he whispered, making the older gulp and nod.

Inhaling sharply, Chan let his body melt into Jeongin's chest, moaning softly at the relaxing feeling. "Right there Innie" he muttered, his toes curling.

The latter pressed harder and circled the sore spot on Chan's shoulder, the muscles finally losing tension.

Jeongin smiled, pushing Chan to lay down on his stomach and moving his hands lower, massaging his partner's sore back.

"Fuck, I really needed this" the older muttered, resting his arms under his head, his body finally relaxing after those stressful months.

And a back massage wast the fucking cherry on top.

They flew back to Seoul yesterday and just a few hours ago they arrived home.


Such an amazing feeling to be in a place you longed so much after years of hating it.

Chan smiled hearing Jeongin hum softly one of their favourite songs, sighing and closing his eyes.

They got Felix back, Chuldae and Hyunho are dead, the mafia got bigger and so are the labs and clients.

"Did you fall asleep?" Jeongin whispered, laying beside Chan and caressing his cheeks with his thumb. The latter shook his head, his smile growing bigger.

Hearing a scoff and cold air hitting his cheek he opened one eye, frowning at the loss of contact. "What?" he asked, opening both his eyes and tilting his head lightly. The younger smiled softly, looking at Chan weirdly.

"What?" the older laughed, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

The power Jeongin held on him...

"You look happy"


Second week of Amsalja

The door of the infirmary opened slightly, a mess of blonde curls and intimidating eyes with eyeliner poked from the crack, a warm smile plastering on the scary person's face.

"Hello, Miss Smith!" the curly haired male said, entering the room and closing the door after him.

"Oh! Good evening Chan. How have you been" the nurse said, her entire mood changing when she saw the boy.

Jeongin stared at them chatting about their days while fiddling with his fingers, too anxious.

After the night Hyunjin found him on the hallway beaten by some fuckers he's been under treatment and today he will meet his new roommate.

He looks scary.

Biting his lip, Jeingin tensed when Chan stopped talking with the nurse and made eye contact. Jesus, for sure he is a fuckboy with all that eyeliner, black clothes and bleached hair.

The younger gulped, feeling himself blush. Chan looked fucking hot.

The latter flashed him a warm smile, his dimple brightening his face more. Relaxing in his seat, Jeongin smiled awkwardly back showing his braces.

The older cooed, walking closer to him "I'm Bang Chan, your roommate" he said, his voice soft.

"Yang Jeongin"

He felt the nurse place a hand on his back and push him towards Chan. His eyes widened, staring at the nurse scared. What if Chan hurts him like the others? Or use him? Or- Or kill him?!

"Don't be scared, sweetie. He's a really nice young man" she smiled, pushing him again. Shit, may the Lord be with me.

Chan held the door open for him, greeting the nurse before closing the door after them.

He started showing around, explaining which room was for what, his aura filling the empty hallways with such brightness and comfort.

Jeongin listened, nodding sometimes to show he was listening and smiling softly. Chan wasn't actually that bad from how he thought.

When they reached their room, the older almost bounced in the room, smiling more brightly while showing around.

"So, Jeongin. What do you want to master?" Chan asked, opening the mini fridge and throwing him a juice box. The younger shrugged, looking at the juice box.

"Swords or perhaps hypnotis. I don't know"

Looking up at Chan he saw the male grin, opening his juice box and shaking his head. "You look happy, why's that?" Jeongin said.

Stabbing the box and sipping from the paper straw, Chan looked at Jeongin while jumping in his bed. "I finally have a roommate— and a second child"

Jeongin frowned, tilting his head. "Huh?"

Chan kept smiling like a fool, dropping his whole body on the mattress and looking at the ceiling.

"I am not alone anymore" he whispered, pursing his lips to stop smiling.


"We are finally back home,"

Jeongin nodded, scooting closer to his lover and hugging him. "The war is over Innie, we can finally rest" Chan whispered, leaning closer to the younger.

Kissing softly, Jeongin started messing around, pecking Chan's lips giving a ticklish feeling.

The older giggled between the kisses, cupping Jeongin's cheeks and kissing him deeply.

Resting his forehead against Chan's, Jeongin kissed his nose and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment.

"I love you" he whispered, opening his eyes and seeing Chan grin just like the day they met.

"You make me feel all the love that I have lost in my lifetime" the latter whispered back, hugging Jeongin closer.


Hello my dears.



I've been playing nonstop Because, Wish you back and Piece of a Puzzle. I am literally obsessed 😭 (thank fucking god they're on spotify because I was almost ready to commit crime because I couldn't listen to them only on YouTube)

I apologise for not updating in sooo long but a lot of shit happened in these weeks.

The orchestra's conductor and manager left right before we had a lot of important concerts and activities, so I had to take the spot of manager and organiser. A lot of stress paperwork and concerts, along with school, taking care of my mother and dealing with everyone's bullshit.

But right now I have a break of three weeks so everybody knows what does that mean 😈

Prepare for the spam folks.

Stay safe!


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