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TW: mature content, triggering graphics.

If you feel uncomfortable or some actions in this chapter trigger you. Please skip, thank you.

The explosion blew the steel doors open. Hundreds of men walked in the room, guns loaded, ready to exterminate the intruders.

"What the—" Looking around, the thick smoke started rising in the sky through the destroyed roof. Poles, beams, broken glass, bricks were on the ground or hanging.

Someone blew up the building.

One of the men spotted blood and a limb. There were dead bodies.

"Sir, the building is destroyed. Everyone is dead" a male spoke in the station. A sigh came from the other end "Do you know who was here?"

The crunching sound of boots walking over the shattered glass and rocks stopped when Jake stood in the middle of the destroyed room. Flames were moving furiously in the back as the wind shook them alive. He crouched down and took something yellow in his hands.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked over his shoulder at Heeseung. Looking back at the soft plushie in his hands he got up and threw it to Heeseung.

The male stared at it, his eyes widening slightly. "Stray Kids were here" "Which plushie did you find?"

Heeseung looked at it, feeling goosebumps trail on his skin. His hand started trembling just thinking about who was here.

"It's a yellow one," he said, too scared to say the man's name. "Felix" the male on the other end whispered, getting up and closing the channel.


His body started shaking. This felt too good.

He really didn't expect this but now, he didn't know how to take it.

His earrings made a soft clinked sound every time they hit each other and his bangs started bouncing like his body with every thrust.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. Jisung—" he shakily moaned, feeling he might faint from the overwhelming pleasure.

"Does my kitty like this?" Jisung breathed next to Minho's ear, sending shivers down his body. He started thrusting harder, hitting the older's prostate continuously.

Minho nodded, pulling at Jisung's hair making the younger groan. He pulled Jisung closer, wanting to kiss him.

As their lips brushed, Jisung hit deeper, making the older tighten around him. Both moaned, their mouths slightly open at the waves of pleasure.

Their lips slammed against each other, sharing a sloppy kiss and muffling the sounds. Jisung squeezed Minho's muscular thighs that were resting on his shoulder.

Minho flipped them around. "Fuck baby" Jisung whimpered, staring at Minho rocking his hips back and forth. His body took control, needing more of this.

He felt the warm knot form in his lower stomach watching Minho eyes roll back, tilting his head back and his mouth falling open, sweet sounds escaping from it.

Minho dug his nails in Jisung's sculpted chest, blood soon coating it. He felt like he was going crazy. This pleasure was something he never felt all his life. He started bouncing, feeling that heavenly spot being hit again.

Jisung reached his climax, filling Minho and helping him bounce harder. He took the ring off the older's throbbing cock, his semen shooting over their sweaty abdomen and chests and an unholy sound leaving his lips making Jisung cum for the second time.

Minho collapsed over his lover, kissing his skin, both breathing heavily.

"That was— fucking hell" Minho breathed out, taking the warm cloth from the nightstand and cleaning the younger's chest.

"I know" Jisung muttered, pulling a few strands of hair off Minho's sticky forehead. "I might become a bottom" he chuckled, wiping gently the younger's abdomen and tracing his fingers over the beautiful muscles.

Jisung took the cloth, pushing Minho in the mattress and cleaning him. "That's my thing, sir. But we can switch sometimes. You bottoming it's too hot to handle"

"I want to cook pasta," Minho said after Jisung helped him put a shirt on, staring at the ceiling and staying in a starfish position. "I just railed you seconds ago, Minho. You can't even sit properly and you want to cook?" the younger chuckled, shaking his head as he finished putting the pants on Minho.

Minho whined, rolling in the bed like a cat "But I'm hungry and I want pastaaa"

"Later" "No. I want it now" "You sound like a pregnant woman, Min"

Minho sent Jisung a glare before getting up and straddling the younger's lap. Jisung smirked, raising a brow.

The brunette kissed the younger on the lips before shaking him. "I want pasta right fucking now." he whined before getting up.

Jisung started laughing after Minho fell on the bed again, his legs shaking. "I hate bottoming" he mumbled, turning around and hiding his face in the crook of Jisung's neck.

Jisung chuckled, patting the older's ass. "Let's go and take a shower and then I will help you go in the kitchen"

"But I am too comfortable" Minho whined, clinging closer to Jisung and suffocating the younger with his tight hug. "Lee Minho" Jisung said in a stern voice, making the brunette roll his eyes and sigh "Fine."


"What the fuck Yongbok? Do you realise what you did?" Hyunjin said in a harsh tone after bursting into the basement.

Felix turned around, sucking the blood off his index finger. He tilted his head to the side, his eyes almost black from how dilated his pupils were.

He started playing with the knife in his hands and smiling widely at Hyunjin.

The older gulped, cursing at himself for entering in the basement right now. He looked behind Felix, seeing a man hanging upside down from the ceiling, his torso being cut and his organs dripping from his lifeless body.

Fuck, he's in his head space.


Hello my dears.





And the teaser photos— SIR.

I might, MGHT, start writing the Minsung fanfic. I finally finished creating the universe but I will start posting just in April.

Hope you're safe, okay, happy and healthy.

See you tomorrow.

Don't forget to vote!



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