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Felix fidgeted with the ring on his index finger and switched up to Hyunjin's fingers resting on his thigh constantly.

It's already been an hour since they have been in that damn room and everything started getting on Felix's nerves. The room was too hot, the bald male sitting beside him was breathing too loud and they kept dragging the conversation so much with so many useless details.

The mission was easy. Kill everyone in that building, save Mr. Gyeol's family and go back home to Korea.

Easy peasy.

Let's just go and give me the damn swords. I'll do all the work if I have to.

He groaned quietly, drawing Hyunjin's attention. The latter squeezed Felix's thigh softly and looked at him "Are you okay?" he whispered, not wanting to disturb the meeting. They were already glued to each other so Felix heard the older clearly.

"They're dragging the meeting" he whispered back, spreading slightly his legs, Hyunjin's hand automatically moving higher on the younger's thigh.

Hyunjin looked around the room, watching everyone around the table closely and making eye contact with Chan who had his lips slightly curled in a smirk.

That fucker.

"Hold on just for a little, the meeting will be over soon" he muttered, kissing the male's cheek and giving his thigh a light squeeze. "Fine" Felix whispered, rolling his eyes when he felt Chan's gaze on them.

He didn't understand what was his problem.

What the fuck happened to him to act like a moron out of the blue on a fucking Sunday.

He was really scared something bad would happen this time too. Perhaps it was his traumatised brain thinking of the worse situations as usual.

"They can be in only two rooms. The chairman's office or the basement. Here Stray Kids and Ateez do their little magic. Minho's team will enter the building first and go into the basement, killing everyone quickly on the way there. Ateez go to the second floor to the chairman's office"

"And what about you? What are the Manns going to do while we break our backs doing all of this?" Felix asked, already fed up hearing the same shit for the seventh time.

Mr. Gyeol's assistant looked at Felix dumbfounded and knitted her eyebrows "As stated earlier, I mentioned that the Manns will be up the buildings with snipers, Mr. Lee"

Felix rose one eyebrow, interlocking his fingers and resting his hands on the table "I don't think it is fair"

Everyone in the room fell silent, looking between Felix and the annoying woman.

Zariyah hummed and nodded her head dramatically, stretching her legs and resting them on the corner of the table, the slit in her black long dress exposing her long legs making the assistant gasp.

"Good point, Felix. The windows have mirror shine, what will the snipers do? Check themselves out? I would love to do that too, then" Zariyah battled her eyelashes, intentionally irritating the assistant that nobody bothered to remember her name.

Feeling the thick tension, Hongjoong interfered. "What about this? We split the Manns in three groups. Two come with us and the third stays outside. After all Hwa and Minho are going to cut off the electricity and many of the mobs will come outside to check the electric pan"

The assistant opened her mouth but Felix stopped her. "That's an excellent idea Joong, right Zariyah?"

The dark skinned woman nodded, smirking as she stared at the assistant with a mocking expression on her face. "It's just perfect, matter of fact we can put Changbin with some of the snipers up the buildings to help the third group that is outside to kill the mobs. He's an amazing sniper and leader" she grinned when she saw Minho pursing his lips and rubbing his temple.

"Should I feel offended or—" Changbin whispered, making Seungmin scoff. "Just shut up"

Hyunjin observed the room, seeing that most of the Manns didn't like the idea. "Then it's set, right Minho hyung?" He empathised the word hyung to make sure the male picked up the energy.

"I think this plan is more organised and we will have more chances to save Mr. Gyeol's family" Hyunjin continued, taking Felix's hand in his and interlocking their fingers, feeling the younger squeeze his hand.

"That's wonderful!" Minho exclaimed.

Just then Mr. Gyeol entered the room, his greasy moustache still intact like always. "Good afternoon, Minho. Thank you for coming" he said, shaking the latter's hand before taking a seat beside his assistant. "I apologise for being late, I talked with the head of the organisation"

He rested his arms on the table, the bags under his eyes clearly visible. "So what's the plan"

Zariyah started speaking, cutting off the assistant. She was clearly enjoying it by the grin she had on her lips.

"We will be in three groups. Us and Ateez will take a few of your men. We're going to check the basement, Ateez the main office and the rest of your men and Changbin will be around and up the buildings with snipers and machine guns to kill the mobs"

Mr. Gyeol listened intently, mesmerised by Zariyah's charm and nodding along. "I love the plan, it's perfect" he said after the woman finished. "I'll join your team, I have a feeling they will be in the basement"

Zariyah smirked, elbowing Minho and raising her brow "Lovely" she said, flashing the male a smile.

"By the way, how did you find the location where they took them so fast?" Chan asked.

Felix grimaced hearing the male's sweet voice, feeling like throwing the pile of papers in the middle of the table on his face. He was so furious that he felt like strangling the first person that he could reach.

His breathing started quickening, getting angrier just thinking about it.

He didn't understand why he was angry but everything irritated him. Almost everything. Hyunjin's hand rubbing shooting circles on his thigh was the only thing that didn't make him angry.

Even Mr. Gyeol's moustache made Felix angry. Why did it have to be that fucking greasy. Doesn't he wash his face or something?

Hyunjin frowned, looking at Felix. What was going on with him? He felt the younger's leg bouncing furiously under his hand and the fidgeting with the ring on his index finger was aggressive like he was ready to crush it under his fingers.

Moving his hand from Felix's thigh, he wrapped his arm around the male's shoulders and pulled him closer, trying to somehow calm him down. He has never seen Felix this agitated like today.

"When my son was born I injected a harmless chip in his blood"

Everyone (from Ateez and Stray Kids) froze in their seats and looked at each other.

Zariyah stared at the nasty male with a disgusted/shocked face, making a cross sign with her tongue on the roof of her mouth before leaning against Minho "Why the fuck are you allies with this crazy head?"

Minho sighed, pursing his lips "He gave me all his fabrics around the continent, even that one from the North that's in collaboration with the army and gun producers"

"Okay, I'll ignore what he said just a few moments ago, should I boost his ego or something?" she whispered, smiling awkwardly at Mr. Gyeol when he looked at her.

Minho scratched the back of his head, looking around the room "Do your shit just make sure he won't stick to us more— or implant chips in our bodies"

"Got it," Zariyah muttered, nodding her head.

"Okay, gentleman. I think we can go get ready, by 5 PM please be in the cars"

Felix's heart leaped, skipping beats as a sinking feeling settled over his whole body.

He's scared.

So fucking scared.


Hello my dears.

It will take a little more time to write the next chapters so please be patient (around a week or something)

Stay safe <3


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