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"Hyunjin. Breathe, come on" Jeongin said softly, holding the males cheeks and instructing him after he heard him gag from crying so much.

"In and out. That's it. You're doing amazing" he whispered, caressing Hyunjin's cheeks, the latter leaning into the touch as he closed his eyes and smiled slightly.

Running a hand through his wet hair, Jeongin reached for the body shampoo, sighing.

It feels like deja vu.

Squirting in his palm some lotion he rubbed his hands together before cleaning Hyunjin's body. His cheeks heating as he caressed the bulky chest, biting his lips in embarrassment.

Keep going.

"Turn around" Hyunjin did as told, his back facing the younger and his head hung low, wiping his face in tiredness.

It felt good having physical contact with someone after such a hard time.

His eyelids turned heavier, closing them he leaned back, Jeongin catching him fast. "Stay awake please" he hurriedly said, washing his shoulders and arms.

Jesus Christ, he's too skinny.

Jeongin turned off the water, reaching for a big fluffy towel and wrapping Hyunjin in it, smiling softly at the view in front of him.

Taking another towel he started ruffling the olders hair, trying to dry it as much as possible.

"You need a towel too" Hyunjin muttered tiredly, too drunk in sleepiness. The younger looked around the room, groaning when he saw there was none.

Chuckling, Hyunjin stepped closer and opened his arms, holding the towel, and embracing Jeongin, welcoming him in the warmness and coziness of the cloth.

He rubbed slightly Jeongin's back with the little part of the towel in his hand before drying his hair too "There you go"

"Thanks," the younger muttered, doing the same with Hyunjins back arms and chest, letting him dry his lower body.

Stepping out of the shower, he held Hyunjin by his shoulders, helping him walk.

He felt like the big brother now. It was weird but comforting, knowing he could help Hyunjin just like he helped Jeongin..

After tossing him clothes, Jeongin turned around, opening the window of the bathroom, humming a random song that popped in his mind.

He heard a little groan, making him turn around and laugh. Hyunjin struggled putting the shirt on, the cloth being roughly pulled over his head but it was to no use.

Due to his tiredness the older let the shirt cover his head, trying to stay awake.

When was the last time he slept?

A few days?

Or weeks?

Jeongin grabbed the shirt and pulled it down, helping the big baby.

After a few more moments of squirming around and whining like a little child, Jeongin managed to put the shirt on Hyunjin, pushing him on a chair.

"Changbin!" "What?" "Get here" they kept screaming back and forth, Changbin walking into the room with a sleeping blindfold.

"Sweet Jesus" the younger muttered, grabbing it and ripping it off the older's face. "He's not naked. Just get the scissors and cut his damn hair"

He walked grumpily towards the sink, taking from the drawer two professional scissors.

He used to be a 'hairstylist' in Amsalja, watching tutorials on YouTube and giving everyone a cut for a few bucks.

And now he was a master in this thing, apparently.

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