3. Monsters or Friends Part.1

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Screen opens to Ethan washing his face in his house bath room.

Ethan. [Thoughts]. I still can believe my Cousin and her classmates are fighting against a resurrected Witch and her servants. While there also being trained my the neighboring Monster Girls. [Deep Breath]. This sounds like something right out of my comics. Or maybe I'm going crazy. Uh!

Screen changes to kitchen were Helen cooking breakfast while haply humming. As Ethan enters still looking tired.

Helen. Good morning Ethan.

Ethan. Yawn! Morning Mom.

Helen. So did ya have a good nights sleep.

Ethan stretch his arm before sitting down for breakfast.

Ethan [Happy]. Ha. I always do.

Helen [Happy]. Well that's nice to hear.

Helen give Ethan his breakfast before sitting down with hers. 

Helen [Happy and Remembered]. Ow right, Ethan! 

Ethan. Hu!?

Helen [Happy]. Don't forget you promised to meet up with your New Girl Friends today.

Ethan chokes on some of his food in shock what his mom said. He manages to swallow by drinking his orange juice. Helen notice Ethan choking.

Helen [Worried]. Hu!? Ethan are you alright!!

Ethan. Gulp! Coff! Coff! Ya never better mom.

Helen [Thoughts, Relieved and Deep Breath]. Ow! Thank god.

Ethan. Mom how did you find out about my New Friends?

Helen. Hm. Well Walter told me told me all about them. And how you got that bump on your head.

Ethan [Worried]. Ow really.

Ethan [Thoughts]. AHHH! I knew I shouldn't have fallen asleep on the ride home! Stupid stupid me!

Helen [Happy]. I'm so proud you finally mad good friends. Maybe you can bring them bye and introduce me to them. They sound like verry nice girls. And I would love to meet them.

Ethan [Worried]. Um. They go a Boarding School mom. And there suppose to be back  back at school on time. Or there get in trouble by there headmistress.

Helen [Suspicious]. Hmm. Ok then. Maybe when I have a day off from work we can go to there school together. How that sound. Hu!

Ethan [Worried]. Ow um sure mon.

Ethan [Thoughts]. UHHHH! Thanks a lot Walter! I hope the girls morning going a lot better then mine.

Screen changes to an abandon Castle in the Dark Forest the heavy rain storm thunders thru the sky. As the rain slam into the ground below. Screen goes inside the Castle hallways. Were Tanis running down down while being chase by Black Knights there Armor Black as night.

Black Knight. She went this way! We got her Know sir!

Tanis use telekinesis to open two large doors once thru she stops and turn around to use telekinesis to shut the door and lock it. The Black knight sword slice into the door there sword blade come inches from Tanis head. As she continue running down the hallway as the Knights trying to brake down the door. A quarter way down the hallway the noise of the door stops like the knights were gone and the place fell silent. Tanis stop running surprised but felt something was off. She pulled out her two swords and held them in each hand. She activated the swords there blades that came out of the swords Rain-Guard. The first was a regular sword it blade come out a light silver color. The other sword was an Ancient Egyptian sword the khopesh it's blade was pure Dark Silver. As Tanis slowly made her way down the hallway a female figure phased thru the floor behind her. She was wearing an clothes fit for a Queen a Dark Blue Dress that glowed like a phantom. The figure lifted up it's Rapier sword but the blade wasn't out. But it was at the ready to cut Tanis in two. Right when the female brought her blade to strike Tanis she activated here Blade it turned a Dark Blue Silver. Tanis immediately turned around at high speed crossing her swords and blocking the strike. Tanis regular sword glowed gold while her other the Khopesh glowed Black. As the face became visible it was Phara looking down on Tanis her eyes wide open and a sinisterly smile.

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