62. Wrath and Pride [Part-3].

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Screen opens to Winnie running into a tomb that has tablets carved into the walls that lead up to a thrown where Wrath sits in a thrown made of weapons through out history. As Winnie notice this is the door behind her slams closed. The stone door has each of the Harbingers in armor. Tablets have people being killed through out history by those who used Wrath. There a door behind Wrath thrown.

[Armor Description Other Harbingers of Sin- Lust Twins are in light reveling armor, Gluttony Brothers Armor are Orange mixed with robes the skinny Brother armor is thin and heavy but able to fast, While the fat brother armor is heavy and covers his entire body, Witch of Envy wears a cloth robes colored in Dark Green mixed with Black. Wears a mask with only eyes and is white, Sloth wears rags and is dirty and Dark Blue and Brown, Greed wears a Black suit with golden tie].

Wrath- Finally. It took you long enough to get here.

Winnie- Get out of my way Wrath! 

Wrath- Ha. No. Pride wants to talk to your Mate alone. And you will not interrupt them.

Winnie- Them I'm going to force my way through.

Wrath- I was hoping you would say that.

As Wrath got up from his thrown he jumps down where Winnie was with blinding speed and use a telekinesis blast launching Winnie away cutting up her clothes and light cutting her. Winnie hits the ground and rolls back on her feet. And pulls out her claws. 

Winnie- GRRR! 

Wrath- Now let's see if The Silver Moon Pack Luna. Can over come her Wrath or be consumed by it.

Winnie [Mad]- I've had enough of you Harbingers. Get out of my way!

Wrath pulls out his sword and activates it. Winnie body consumed by Magma and Dark Red Lightning as she gets on all fours like a wolf. And charges at Wrath who matches Winnie claw strikes with equal or greater strength pushing her back. Screen pulls out showing the rest of the Harbingers of sin watching the fight. Through a mirror in a fancy small room. Sloth asleep on the floor holding alcohol bottle. Gluttony Brothers the fat ones eating while the skinny one watches standing in silence.

Freya [Lust Twin]- Aw! She think using her anger will help her beat Wrath. What a stupid Werewolf. 

David [Lust Twin]- Ya sis. What a joke of a Monster.

Lust Twins where holding each other close acting all love like.

Gabriel [Greed]- You two nock it off or I'll throw you out of my domain.

Freya- Aw! Come on Gabriel. I'll give you a good time if you let me.

Gabriel- Stop your begging Freya. You and your brother know my rules here. And Ale stop getting food all over my floor.

Ale [Fat Gluttony Brother]- Come now Gabriel it just a snack.

Gabriel- That's your six hole chicken today! Don't tell me it's just a snack!

Ale- Ha Ha. Uh brother a little help here. . . Alex!

The other Gluttony Brother stood there not saying anything.

Witch Of Envy- Would you two be quit it's getting interesting with the Werewolf's Mate and Pride.

Gabriel and Ale glair at each other as they turn to look at the mirror. The screen changes to Ethan trying to brake through Pride who holds off. Nocking back his attacks like they where nothing. Pride sword is silver while Ethan blade burns Red.

[Pride Sword Description- The Sword Blade is Silver then blade burns when Aura flows through the sword burns black. Rain-Guard is Silver with the Black Ruby Pride Star. Cross-Guard is basic small and is gold. The Grip is Black leather. Pommel is shaped as Pride Star with same Ruby on it].

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