95- Chains and Suffering [Part-2].

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Screen open to Jon and Mason fighting through Holly Knights and Shadow Werewolf's. Jon blasting away a group of Holly Knight turning them to ash with a fire attack coming out of his sword. The Fire Burns Black and Dark Red.

Jon- Executioner Flame Blast!

Holly Knights- AHHHHH!!!  

Mason speed blitzes through Five Shadow Werewolf's with ease gripping his sword firmly moving with grace and power.

Mason- Republic Blade Strikes!

After killing them they move on towards Skull Caverns. 

Jon- Nice work Mason. You still got it.

Mason- Ha. Thanks. But focus we must hurry. I worry about Ethan losing control to True Alpha.

Jon- Ya. We better because I can sense there Aura from here. And Ethan's is flaring up along with the rest of them. 

Mason- Then lets double time it. Before things get worse.

Jon- Agreed. 

As Jon and Mason run to Skull Cavern the screen changes to Alex trying to brake free just to be grabbed by the neck from Ninny who looks him in the eyes. The area there in has cages where the adults are kept all with burn and whip scars along with symbols burned into there shoulders. The area giant open Cavern with torches lightning up area.

Ninny- GRRRR! Why wont you submit!

Alex- I'm going to kill you. . When I get out of these chains!

Ninny- Stupid weak and stubborn race you are. At least your sister will make a better slave. And I can at least some coin out of her. Then you.

Ninny pulls out a small knife and pulls it back.

Ninny- Ha ha ha. Well it was fun killing off your blood line. Now prepare to join them.

Ethan and Winnie- Werewolf Warlock Lightning Fire Ball!!

But before Ninny could stab Alex he is blasted by Dark Blue Lightning and Dark Red Fire ball that hits him. He drops Alex and blasted back slamming into prison cell. Ethan cuts Alex down while Winnie grabs him and sets him on the ground. Ethan toss Winnie a ectoplasm shot and she injects it into Alex. His body heals but there still scars left on his skin. Ethan keeps his guard up his sword pointed at Ninny who gets back up.

Ninny [Thoughts]- HU!? So there is a Warlock in the human realm. Ha I guess those new papers had some weight to them. Hm. I sense a fellow Werewolf. He might fetch a good price. When I capture him. As for the She-Wolf wait is that the next Luna of the Silver Moon Pack. This will make me rich holding her for ransom. Ha ha ha.

Ninny- Ha. So your the rumored Werewolf Warlock who defends the Human race.

Ethan [Thoughts]- What the hell he's talking about? I'm no Werewolf?

Ethan looked confused at Ninny. While Winnie tends to Alex. And moves him to a corner of the room.

Alex- Winnie Warlock. Kill that Monster. He . . AHH!

Winnie- Easy there Alex. Your body is still badly hurt. 

Ethan- Winnie why aren't the ectoplasm shots working?

Winnie- It because he used an Alchemy Weapon on him. They leave scars and low class shots wont fully heal him. 

Ninny- Good eye. But I expect nothing less from Silver Moon Pack Future Luna.

Winnie- GRR! Quit slaver filth.

Alex spoke while crying and grabbing Winnie shoulder before she stood up.

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