96- Slaver Truths [Part-3].

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Screen opens with Phara getting slammed against a wall with a telekinesis Earth blast by Wolfen. This rips up Phara clothes showing parts of her scared body. The wall has a small dent in it from her hitting the wall.

Wolfen- GRRRR! I knew I would remember a way to brake through your phase ability.

Phara- Ha ha. Impressive it usually take everyone a while longer before finding that out. 

Wolfen- Ha. You Phantom are rare sight and fetch high coin in the slave market. So we are all trained in case we ever come across your kind.

Phara- Ha ha. That nice to know my rear end goes for so much. AH!

Phara [Thoughts]- I guess my ribs haven't fully healed yet. I guess I'm going to have to be carful then. Ha ha ha. 

Phara grabs her ribs but made it look like she's stretches before reactivating her two swords with Telekinesis.

Ostrava- Phara! Are you alright!

Phara- Ha ha. No worry's I'm just getting started!

Wolfen- Don't think I don't notice what your doing Alpha. After she chained your next.

Ostrava- GRRR! We shall see about that. Peasant.

Ostrava Red Werewolf eyes appear through his helmet as he focused.

Golden Lightning sparks from Ostrava armor. He continue to focus Lightning into his sword.

Phara [Thoughts]- Dam it. I need to be fast. Since he can stop my phantom powers. Uh. I wish I had more time to train to better my form.

Phara remember getting beaten up while protecting Tanis. Her grip tightened as she remember what Helen told her when she was able to walk again she closed her eyes to focus. As the screen changes to Helen backyard with Phara standing back up.

 Phara- Ha ha ha! WOOHOO!! I can walk again!

Phara leaped around and began to levitate around until a Magic Circle appear around the backyard and she crashes to the ground.


When Phara get back up she looked upraised and confused over what happen!? Why can't I levitate myself?

That when Helen walks over to her activating her sword while in her witch robes.

Helen- That because of my Magic Circle Phara.

Phara- HU!? But why!?

Helen- Because Plague Doctor told me about you sloppy form and how you relied to much on your Phantom powers to fight. And well I decided to help you. Work around those weaknesses.

Helen evilly smile as she steps forward.

Phara- Um. Now Helen. There's no need to rush this.

That when Helen appears behind Phara shocking her.

Phara [Thoughts]- Ah! She's fast.

Phara leaps forward dodging the strike and activated her two swords as Helen continued her attack. Forcing Phara defend each strike pushing her back.

Helen- Sloppy. Your form relies on pure randomness and elegant strikes. That will only get you so far. If you don't have counter for sword forms that are grounded and based on strong strikes you wont last long. Also you wont just put your life at risk but those around you as well. 

Phara [Thoughts]- Ah! She's right I can't keep up without my phase. What am I going to do. Hu!?

Helen moves with control and disarms Phara of both of her swords and Phara falls on her back. But before Phara could get up Helen placed her sword blade tip inches from her neck.

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