45. Attack of the Spider-Bats [Part-1].

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Screen opens with Sibella, Elean, Phara, Winnie, and Tanis walking through the Dark Forest. 

Phara- Ha. Hey Tanis I've seen Ms. Grim training Ethan very hard lately. So what ups with that. 

Tanis- Um. Well you know Ethan. He always want to get stronger right. Ha Ha Ha.

Tanis [Thoughts]- I feel bad for brother. Ms. Grim doesn't take kindly to others who put us in danger.

Screen changes to Tanis room where she using War Meditation to watch Ms. Grim and Ethan training. She watch in horror as Ethan getting mind attack by Ms. Grim inside meditation room. He's on his knee's.

Ethan- AHHHHH!

Ms. Grim- Focus Ethan you must overcome your fears.

Ethan [Pain]- AH! I'm trying! AHHHH!

Ms. Grim- Don't try Ethan. You must do or die.

Tanis [Thoughts]- Ah! She using Horror against Ethan. She hasn't even trained us in that yet. He doesn't deserve this for what happened at the tomb. 

Ms. Grim [Tanis Thoughts]- It's not that Tanis.

Tanis- Hu!? Ms. Grim. What do you mean?

Ms. Grim-I am mad with him taking you to that tomb. But he has come a long way and this is the next step in his training. Beside if I take it  easy on him he'll never be able to control True Alpha Armor.

Tanis- UH! How did you know about that!?

Ms. Grim- It's my job as your headmistress to watch after all of my students. And remember I'll always be there to aid you alright.

Ms. Grim smiles at Tanis smiles back.

Tanis- Sure thing Ms. Grim.

Screen changes back to the girls walking through the forest.

 Sibella- So Tanis I heard from headmistress thar you had some trouble along with Ethan inside an ancient tomb.

Tanis- Uh. Ya we ran into some trouble but we over came the tomb.

Sibella- Indeed. But why did Ethan find while in the tomb?

Tanis [Lie]- Uh!? Well I didn't see what he found. I was hardly able to help him with my War Meditation. Ha Ha.

The other girls look at Tanis knowing she lying.

Winnie [Thoughts]- Come on Tanis. Even I could tell when your lying.

Winnie- So what did happen in that tomb Tanis.

Screen changes to Ethan home inside the guest bed room. Where Ethan talking to Tanis.

Ethan- So Tanis I need you to keep what happened in the tomb a secret. 

Tanis- But that armor dangerous and the other girls and Ms. Grim could help you control it.

Ethan- Yes they could. But don't forget the Magic Courts and the other nations in the Monster Realm would want the sword and armor. And could send other Monsters after us.

Tanis- Ok I understand. But we should still tell the others.

Ethan- And I will once the armor is finished with in two months. If not you can tell. Alright.

Tanis- Sure thing brother. And I'll hold you to that promise.

Ethan- Thanks little sis. I know I could always trust you.

Tanis [Thoughts]- How I wish that was true. I wish I could tell you the truth of the monster realm. But I will find a way.

Screen changes back to Tanis and the others still walking.

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