93- Respecting the Dead [Part-5].

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Screen opens to the Grave Yard and Winnie feels relieved as she feels better and stretches.

Winnie- AHHH! That feels much better. Ha. HU!?

But  when she looks around she see's Helen Tanis Ethan and Elean all drained. Ethan lightly bleeding from his hand along with Tanis. Elean plops down on a chair behind her.

Winnie- Uh! Are you all ok.

Elean- No where perfectly fine Winnie. Considering we gave you 80% of our Aura. To relive your pain.

Winnie- I told you guys not to! But you didn't listen. HU!?

Tanis tugs on Winnie clothes leaving some blood on them.

Tanis- Don't worry sis where just a bit tired that's all. Uh.

Tanis grips her hands in pain. Helen places her hand over Tanis's hands and starts to heal them.

Phara- Yep. Where all good. Ha ha ha.

 While Phara leaned back in her wheelchair with still some energy left..

Tanis- Thanks mom.

Helen- Your welcome Tanis. Also Winnie judging on how relaxed you are. Jason must have won his dual. 

Winnie- Well um I don't really now. If he won.

Elean- Uh. Stop lying Winnie. When a Werewolf regain there strength along feeling relaxed and joyful there Alpha won the dual. AH!

Elean try's to stand but slides back down into the chair.

Winnie- Um well I guess that makes sense. . .

Winnie looked a bit confused. Sibella walked over.

Sibella- Really Winnie you didn't know that!? 

Winnie- Well I only know a few things about being a Werewolf. There's so many book to read about it. And well I'm a slow reader \ha ha. .

Sibella- Uh. You Werewolf really have interesting ways to limit your powers. 

Winnie- Ya. Better then having to be a lord to get that knowledge though.

Sibella said nothing at Winnie comment.

Sibella- Blood Healing Circle.

Sibella lifts her hand a magic circle appears bellow her. And Dark Red like Lightning hits each of them. It made no sounds so it didn't bring attention to them. Tanis and Ethan wounds heal and stop the bleeding in there hands. And restoring there Aura. As she does she stops in surprised at Helen. Feeling an evil Aura from within her.

Tanis- Look brother where healed.

Ethan- Wow. Thanks Sibella. I didn't know you could heal and restore Aura.

Sibella- It's a basic Magic Circle of my family. Also it best to keep a few skills hidden after all. HU!!?

Sibella [Thoughts]- What!? How does Helen has this much Aura!? It's like an endless pit. UH!?

Helen- Are you alright Sibella?

Sibella- Uh. I'm fine Helen. I just used a little to much Aura to heal you.

Phara- Ha ha ha. Wow. You must have a lot of Aura Helen. If Bella couldn't restore it fully.

Helen- Ow. Don't be silly my Aura's only average. There's nothing special about it.

Sibella [Thoughts]- Lies. I sense she has Aura on par with Vampire Lords or maybe even Alpha's.

Elean notice Sibella looking a bit stressed and smiles.

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