21. Dark King Kalen.

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Screen opens to Ethan running with Winnie through the Dark Forest. Ethan in his training gear.

Winnie. Not bad Ethie. You almost able to keep up with me.

Ethan. Ya I'm finally getting better then you. Uhf!?

Winnie stopped running  turns around and tackle's  Ethan. Sliding him through the mud.

Winnie [Evilly]. Ha. If you really think that. Then let's see.

A Magic Circle appear around them as Winnie flips backwards and lands with her claws out ready to attack. As Ethan got up. He pulls out and activated his sword.

Ethan. Ha. I'm ready this time so show me what ya got She-Wolf.

Winnie. My pleasure.

Winnie leaped at Ethan he responds with [Dark Blue] Lightning and hits Winnie but she Aura Dash forward tanking the lightning.  Ethan dodges then runs lightning through his sword to strike Winnie. So she blocks the sword with both of here hands. But is blasted through a tree. After Winnie gets back up she evilly smiles and looked more wiled and violent.

Winnie [Howl]. Owoooo! Ha Ha. This is the most fun I've had with you in a while Ethan. But play times over.

Ethan [Thoughts]. What the!? This Aura it almost like mine but it feels different.

Ethan [Surprised and scared]. HU!?

Winnie appears Infront of Ethan with great speed and nocks his sword out of his hand with one claw swing. Ethan quickly responds with a blast of [Dark Blue] Lightning with his hands. But Winnie tanks the hit and slams her hand through Ethan chest. This Couse Ethan to remember his first fight with Winnie.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Dame it. Every time I think I'll beat her. She always amazes me.

Winnie [Happy]. Nice try Ethan. Maybe next time.

Screen changes to Ethan and Winnie walking back to the school.

Winnie. Ha. I beat you good this time Ethie.

Ethan. Ya. But I'll beat you one day.

Winnie. Hm. Well not for a while at this pace. But ya you'll get me one day.

Ethan. Ha. Thanks Winnie.

Winnie. Your welcome.

Ethan. So what was with your Aura it felt like mine. When I'm use my Dark Aura?

Winnie. Ow well that a power know as Dark Rage. It when you use your Dark Aura and unleashes it though out your body using your Rage.  

Ethan. That's interesting could you teach it to me.

Winnie. Weren't your mom teaching you something similar. Remember when you were training with us.

Ethan. Ya but my mom been busy. So I haven't used it as much.

Winnie. Well maybe latter I'll give you some tips. But I recommend you don't use it that often.

Ethan. Hu!? Why?

 Winnie. Because the more you use your Rage the more animal like you'll become that why I looked like a whiled Wolf while attacking you. 

Ethan. Hm. That does make sense.

Winnie. Ya . Anyways I wont be able to train with you in the Alchemy World this week.

Ethan. What!? What's going on.

Winnie. We have tests this week. But don't worry once there done. I'll make sure you'll become strong as me.

Ethan. Ha. Ya I'm still waiting to see that.

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