17. Monster Hunters.

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Screen opens to Jon Butcher shop were Jon talking to Dave who sitting at the counter.

Jon. So your past come back to Haunt you hu.

Dave. Unfortunately yes. I'm still trying to figure out what to do.

That when Ethan walked in.

Jon. Hey Ethan what will you be having today.

Ethan. Nothing today. I was looking for Dave.

This surprised Jon and Dave.

Dave. How can I help you.

Ethan. I want to know more about the Holly Knights.

Dave. Hm well there a lot to go over. I guess I'll start with the forming of the group. They formed around 16th century were there was an increase of Monster Attacks. It was believed that they were ones that followed Humanity through the gateway before it was closed. There were two Monster hunting groups then The Holly Knights and The Hell-Gates. 

Ethan. Wait you family that old Jon?

Jon. Ha. Ya we fought each other over if Monsters were truly sinful. And deserved death.

Dave [Clear Throat].  Anyways  over the years the Monsters slowly disappeared from earth. But instead of the group falling apart they became Assassins Mercenary and lenders of money gaining influence in many governments. And through out the years they sought out ancient tombs for there knowledge and power in controlling Aura. 

Ethan. So that's why there at The Valley of the Dark Kings.

Dave. Yes. They seek more power. But there only find death there.

Ethan. What do mean?

Dave. I mean the Valley is a giant death trap. Filled with traps and monsters they've only seen in ancient books. It would take all the Holly Knight's working together to even secure the outer area. trust me on that from experience being there.

Ethan. Is there any pacific way the Holly Knight's fight.

Jon. I can answer that. There three classes there knights are poot in. The lowest member are called Knights they carry basic weapons ranging from guns to knight weapons they also can't use Aura. While there second group are those who can use Aura but couldn't pass there trials so there forced into only one skill to study under like Swordsmen training or Aura training. There called Royal Guard. And finally there the Lords there trained in both combat and Aura use.

Ethan. So that guy I fought yesterday was a lord but he only study combat from what I could tell.

Dave. Each lord trains different. You lucky you fought a combat specialist. Other wise you might not have done as well as you did.

Ethan. Well at least I now know what lo look out for.

Jon. Ha. I must say your smarter then most people Ethan.

Ethan. Hu!?

Dave. I agree most people wouldn't ask for help or information about who there fighting against. I apricate that.

Ethan. Well after almost getting killed I thought I could use the help.

Jon. So how Ms. Grim and her students reacted when you told them what happened.

Ethan. Um let just say they were all happy I was alright . But Ms. G is upping our training and know one of the girls have to be with me when I go out and train.

Dave. Wow she wasn't that strict when we were training under her.

Jon. Ha ya those were the days. So is there anything else ya need Ethan.

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