77. A Broken Witch [Part-6].

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Screen opens back to Ethan and Winnie looking at Helen surprised to see her there. As she looked down on them from the top of the vine wall she created. Winnie injected herself with an ectoplasm shot that heals her wound.

Winnie [Mad]- What do you mean by that Helen?

Helen- That's simple my daughter.

Winnie look confused at that statement. But that when she moved her hand changing the shape of the vine wall Infront of them changes shape to a mirror that shows each of the Monster Girls and Rangers being killed. Ethan and Winnie looked on enraged at what they where seeing. But what broke there silence was seeing Tanis and Nova's death. Ethan look lost for words and mad along with being upset.

Ethan- Tanis!

Winnie- GRR! What wrong with you Helen! How could you allow Tanis to die like that.

Helen- Believe me if I could I would have prevented it. But I still have you two now will you allow me to erase your memory's properly or are we going to have to do this the hard way. 

Winnie pulls out her claws.

Winnie- Never!

Ethan [Mad and Upset]- Mom what's wrong with you!? Is someone controlling you?

Helen- No. . No one is my son. Where at war with the Monster Realm and I don't want you to be force to serve and be forced to kill your girlfriend.

Ethan-  She's not my girlfriend!

Winnie- I'm not his girlfriend!

Ethan and Winnie look at each other embarrassed.

Helen- Ha. Weather you are or not together. It was ither erase your memory's or to kill Winnie and force you into the war. And I wont allow you to be a tool of The Freedom Fighter Core. So forgive me my son for this.

Ethan- Wait what does the Freedom Fighter Core has to do with. . Uh! Winnie look out!

Helen didn't even draw her sword she leaped at Winnie with blinding speed reaching for Winnie head. But Ethan yanks Winnie out of the way causing Helen to grab Ethan by the head. This surprised Winnie who was surprised by Helen being able to blitz them. But seeing Ethan in trouble caused both her and her Werewolf Spirit be enraged.

Winnie- Ethie!

Wendy [Thoughts]- Mate!


Helen hand burn with dark Aura on Ethan head he was trying to resist. Winnie get up and runs at Helen who drops Ethan who's passed out Helen use telekinesis to place a traer onto Ethan before turning and blast Winnie back with Dark Green Lightning. Winnie slams into a tree but it doesn't  brake through it. As Winnie see Ethan nocked out her rage took over and she charges at Helen. Helen reactivates her sword as Winnie try's to kill her by using her claws but Helen block Winnie aggressive strikes.

Winnie- Werewolf Magma Claws!

Helen- Come now Winnie you know you can't defeat me. Just allow me to erase your memory. I know you want to be with Ethan. We can be a happy family.

Wendy [Thoughts]- You know she's right.

Winnie [Thoughts]- GRR! Shut up and help me or buzz off.

Winnie- Not happening Helen! UHF! Ahh! What!! No!

That when deactivated her blade and slams it into the ground then she smashes her fist into Winnie chest and slams her into the ground while mixing telekinesis and Dark Green and Black Lightning blasting her back and sliding her against the dirt. Then vines ties her up.

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