30. The Plague Doctor.

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Screen opens to outside of a White Pyramid with a golden top. Screen changes to inside the pyramid thrown room were Tanis is watching Ethan fight a army of undead Ancient Egyptian Mummy's. She calm and is watching Ethan. Ethan in his training armor.

Tanis [Thoughts and Confident]. That's it Master show me what your capable of so it's easer to beat you.

Ethan uses a telekinesis blast opening an area for him to attack Tanis. Ethan charges at Tanis. That's when Tanis two Egyptian Guards attack Ethan and manages to stop Ethan long enough to slam a ball of poison gas that Ethan breathed in while fighting them.

Egyptian Royal Guards. Serket Poison Gas!!

Ethan [Mad and Thoughts]. Dame It Tanis. Again with poison. 

Ethan quickly cuts down the two guards then leap attack Tanis who slides of her thrown to dodge the attack. Then activates her two swords and attack Ethan. Ethan eye sight began to blur and cough up some blood Ethan fakes that the poison badly hurting him.

Tanis [Thoughts]. Ha finally got you master. UH!

Tanis leaped at Ethen her trying an overhead strike but was impaled by Ethan sword through her chest.

Tanis. What?

Ethan. Nice try Tanis. But I'm not falling for that trick. [Cough Blood Up].

Ethan collapse onto Tanis.

Tanis. Wo wait Ethan. UHF! UH great.

Screen changes to Ethan healed still on top of Tanis who gave up trying to move him.

Tanis. Hey Master can you get off me now.

Ethan. Ow sorry Tanis.

Tanis. Ha it's alright. So are you still having trouble fight against poisons.

Ethan. Ya. Ever since we were attacked by Envy I've been trying to find a way to resist poisons. You have any advice.

Tanis. Hm. Not really I've started to study in it my self. Maybe Jon could help you.

Ethan. Well that worth a shot. Know let's get back to your training apprentice.

Ethan activate his Moon sword the Blade glows Blue.

Tanis [Happy]. I'm grateful master.

Ethan smiles before charging at each other. Screen goes black and opens to Ethan walking into Jon Butcher Shop. It was a bit packed as Ethan walks to the counter.

Ethan. Hey Jon you have a minute.

Jon. Sure what ya want. Buying Winnie lunch again.

Ethan [Blush]. No. Uh I was wondering if you know how to defend against poison.

Jon. We should talk about this in the back.

Screen changes to Jon office in the back. After closing the door. He grabs a drink from his small fridge.

Jon. Soda.

Ethan. Uh no thanks.

Jon [Clear Throat]. Your mom told me what happened with Envy. Now there is someone who can teach you to resist poisons. How ever he might not help you.

Ethan. What why!?

Jon. You remember when Ms. Grim old students didn't help us. Well he was close with them. He was devastated when they abandon us.  And he still has hatred towards Monsters.

Ethan. I still need to try. Who is he.

Jon. UH! He owns and works at the Muddy Creek Hospital. His name Ca-Yo and his wife Marry ask to speak to them and that I sent you.

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