41. Monster Theater [Halloween SPECIAL] [Part.2].

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Screen opens to pup John running through the hallway with Snow not far behind him.

John. Come on Snow were going to be late. The brake is almost over.

Snow. Sorry that I had to go to the bathroom.

John. UHF!

John runs into Helen.

Helen. Hey you ok kid.

John. Yes I'm ok!?

Helen help him up.

Snow [Thoughts]. Something feels strange about her. I sense a worm Aura around her but there something else. It's very cold

Helen. You sure your ok.

John. I am human. We just running late back to the theater.

Helen. Know there's no reason to be rude little one.

John. Well that none of. .

Snow interrupts him.

Snow. Uh were sorry. It wont happen again.

Snow grabs John and they continue walking.

John. Snow what the hell was that about. Don't tell me your scared of a weak human.

Helen. Be careful you two.

Snow looks behind them and see Helen waving good bye and smiling. She then looks back at John.

Snow. You didn't sense that from her?

John. Sense what her Aura doesn't feel that strong.

Snow. No. I sensed something Dark and powerful from her. Anyways we should head back the movie about to continue.

John. Ya. And you need to atop worrying so much. No human can match the Silver Moon Pack Power.

Snow. I guess your right. 

John. Alright lets go.

As the two wolf pups left Helen eyes turns Black and Dark Green as she went back into the projector room. Screen changes back to the theater as the movie began to play again. The screen opens to Ms. Grim in meditation with her wand beside her and holding a small bell on a string. She's in a middle of a forest were light is blocked out by the tree's. That when Tanis covered in shadows attack her from side trying to cut the string of the bell. Ms. Grim pick up her wand and blocks Tanis sword strike and blast her back with telekinesis slamming her into tree. 

Ms. Grim. To basic Tanis.

The Phara phased through the floor but Ms. Grim taps her with her wand in a pressure point area stunning and nocking her out. Before she could strike the bell.

Ms. Grim. To predictable Phara.

Elean drops from above but Ms. Grim without moving uses telekinesis to blasts her away like Tanis  but she lands up right and charges at Ms. Grim. While still in meditation stance defended against Elean strikes aimed at the bell string. Each strike unleased [Blue] Lightning that doesn't effect Ms. Grim and she blast Elean back with [White] Lightning stunning her. 

Ms. Grim. Ha. To direct Elean.

Screen pulls up showing a bat drop from above it changes into Sibella who able to cut the bell string Ms. Grim manages to tap her wand against her hand causing her to drop her sword.

Ms. Grim. Well done Sibella. But you left yourself open for counter. Remember it takes more then speed and power to defeat your opponents.

Sibella. Yes Ms. Grim.

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