20. Warlock Descendent.

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Screen opens to Ethan walking out of the stair case through a door that reveals an intire city that looked like enchant Egypt city.

Ethan. Wo this is incredible.

That when an explosion accurse not far from him with in the city.

Ethan. Uh!? What was that?

Screen changes to Holly Knight's holding area with them fighting Hell-Hounds. The Knight's manages to barricade themselves in an area that look like an underground town.

[Hell-Hound Description. There created with Dark Alchemy. There Furr depends on the environment but there a Black Color while in the tombs. They can range in size to average dog to the size of a car. There speed makes it a pain to kill them.]

[Sir Robert Description. Has the knight armor was Silver he wears a Dark Blue Cape. His Helmet looked like an up and coming knight. His sword glows a Dark Blue and was a normal two handed sword.]

Sir Robert [Holly Knight]. Hold the line we must give The Master Priest time.

All Knight yes Lord Robert.

After they finished off the small Hell-Hounds a Giant one walks out of the cave it has tall as a two story building. The other knights shoot at the beast but it skin to thick. And the knight's began to panic and start thinking to run but Robert try's to get them to hold.

Sir Robert. Hold men.  We can defeat this Sinful Hound!

As the Hell-Hound charged at them.

Sir Robert [Thought]. If I was at full strength I could handle this Monster trash.

That's when Ethan drops from the upper levels and slams his sword into the Hell-Hound head and then Unleashes a large amount of [Dark Blue] Lightning that kills the giant Hound. After it dropped dead Ethan jumps of landing Infront of the corps. Ethan in his training gear.

Giant Hell-Hound [Dying]. RAAAAAA!!!

Knight. By the gods who is that?

Sir Robert. I don't know but have your weapons at the ready.

Robert walks to Ethan with two knights beside him.

Sir Robert. Hold it there. Who are you.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Great it's the Holly Knight's. I thought they were some hunters who got trapped here. It best to lie to them.

Ethan [Lie]. I was hired by the Muddy Creek police. To investigate the disappearances around here. But I got trapped down here. [Clear Throat] I'm Either.

Sir Robert [Uncertain]. Hm. A likely story. The police in that town are known for using mercenary's to deal with the beasts from these tombs.

Ethan. So what are you doing here?

Sir Robert. We were given orders to find a new way into The Valley of the Dark Kings Tombs. This Tomb was meant to have a hidden passage leading into the Valley tombs without the need to go through the Monster that guard the Valley. But this place is just as worse as the Valley. We came here with !,000 knights know were down to 50 from 500.  The rest of the knight's went to the main castle here. But we lost contact with them not long ago.

Ethan. Is there anyway out of this tomb?

Sir Robert. No. The only way to open the tombs door is to remove the Tombs Pyramid-Cron.

Ethan. What's a Pyramid-Cron?

Sir Robert. My apology I should have known a Mercenary wouldn't know about these tombs artifacts. A Pyramid-Cron are found in tombs. They power the tombs traps and beasts. Some of them can also hold knowledge of the past civilization. 

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