112- Prison Brake and A She-Wolf I do's [Part-8].

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Screen opens to Ethan rushing home just running past the front gate to the housing area. Nova following not far behind still in her invisible Ranger Armor.

Ethan [Thoughts]- AHH! Why didn't I keep track of time. Mom going to kill me!

Nova [Thoughts]- Ha. At least there was no ambushes on the way back home for Cousin. With everything that been happening. I'm happy there's no more surprises. HU!?

As Ethan passed by the small park Winnie leaps out of the tree and lands infant of Ethan who's shocked to see her.

Ethan- Wo!! Uh Winnie um hi!?

Winnie looked like a wild animal about to attack that made Ethan scared backing up a bit.

Winnie- We need to talk Ethie. .

Ethan- Gulp! Um I would love to but I need to get. Home. .

Winnie places her hand Infront of Ethan who tried to walk around her.

Winnie- It's important I'll go with and tell your mom why you where late so follow me.

Ethan- Um. Ok? Is everything alright Winnie?

Winnie- Ya. I just want to talk about something important. So follow me.

As they began to walk together Nova followed not far behind.

Nova [Thoughts]- What does Winnie want with Ethan? Hm. She better not be up to anything.

Nova has an image of Winnie biting Ethan and turning him into a Werewolf. As she followed them. The screen changes to Military Convoy with HUMVEE's and M1 Abrams guarding a Truck that been modified with heavy armored. Screen changes inside a HUMVEE following not far behind them inside is Tom who's on the Radio with William. 

Tom [Radio]- General William. Are you sure it's ok to move the package this early.

William [Radio]- We must get it the package there quickly so they can look it over soldier. This can end this conflict fast. And you should know the American People don't like dragged out conflicts.

Tom [Radio]- Of course. But I'm still worried about this sir. We hardly won. We need heavier fire power then this. Otherwise the package might not make it.

William [Radio]- You will Soldier. I've contacted the Rangers and they shall aid you in transport. So do not worry. Continue forward and contact me once the package is delivered. You understand soldier.

Tom [Radio]- Of course sir. But what about the Werewolf's?

William [Radio]- I have them dealing with Revolta base. She a bigger threat then some the Holly Knights. At least for now. Is there anything else soldier?

Tom [Radio]- No sir that everything. Tom out.

As Tom hangs up the radio a explosion happens to the HUMVEE Infront of them. Tom tried to turn to not hit the HUMVEE but hits the side and rolls the HUMVEE. The screen changes to Nova sneaking behind a tree watching Ethan and Winnie who stop walking. Winnie look around on guard.

Ethan- Ok. So um!? Winnie what are you doing?

Winnie- Just making sure where alone. Alright look when you where gone I went through your room and found your journal and I looked through it. .

Ethan didn't look surprised but Winnie ears where down along with her looking away from him. Knowing what she did was wrong. 

Ethan- I know. 

Winnie look up surprised looking at Ethan.

Winnie- What!? But how?

Ethan- I have camera in my room. Incase Broot drops by again also incase someone snooping around my stuff.

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