4. Monsters or Friends. Part 2

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Screen opens to Ethan still reading his comic book Infront of City Hall. As the church Clock Tower Bells Rings 3:00 .P.M.

Ethan [Thoughts]. Hm. Where are they?

But before Ethan could get back to reading his Comic Book two girls walked up to Ethan.

Emma [Happy]. Well hallow there.

Ethan [Surprised and confused]. Uh hello can I help you two?

Emma. Yes you can. Me and my big sister couldn't help but notice we've haven't seen you around our school before. And were wondering if you just moved here.

Ethan. Ya I just moved here yesterday. It's nice to meet you two I'm Ethan.

Eleanor. Charmed. I'm  Eleanor Lancer the First. And with is my little sister Emma Lancer the second.

Emma [Happy]. Were named after are royal ancestors.

Ethan [Sarcasm]. Ow well those are nice names.

Emma. Like wise. But may I ask why do you wear such dreadful clothes.

Ethan. Dreadful? My clothes look fine to me.

Emma. They might look fine to you dear. Well the color Black is related to Despair and Death. It's color mostly worn by Business Men or Degenerates.

Ethan [Mad]. Hey! What's that suppose to mean?

Eleanor. Forgive my little sister miss describing you. It's just you look out of place in our town.

Ethan. And why's that a problem. 

But before Eleanor could respond her little sister interrupted. After seeing Ethan comic book.

Emma. Ew! Is that a Horror Comic. How can you read such trash.

Ethan [Mad]. Alright listen here you two. How I dress and what I like are my own choices no yours to make.

Screen changes to the Monster Girls who walking thru Muddy Creek market place. Head towards City Hall.

Tanis [Worried]. UHHH. Where late. I hope Ethan still there.

Phara [Happy]. Ha Ha. Don't worry Tanis I'm sure he's still there.

Tanis. Really. You sure about that.

Phara. Ha I know it.

Winnie. And if he's not there. I'll hunt him down and drag him back for ya.

Tanis. Winnie that's mean.

 Phara. Ha Ha. No worries Tanis.  Winnie just kidding right.

Phara stairs at Winnie wide eyed creepy like.

Winnie' Uh! Ya I'm just joking around Tanis.

Winnie's ears twitch and she stops walking.

Tanis [Deep Breath]. Thanks Winnie. Hu!? What's Wrong?

Tanis and the rest of the Monster Girls stop walking after noticing Winnie.

Phara. You alright Winnie. Hello.

Winnie . Ow great look who Ethan ran into.

Winnie points Infront of them. Screen changes back to Ethan, Eleanor, and Emma.

Eleanor. That's true but we must have standers.

Emma. Ya. We can't just let people dress like thugs and cause problems for others. Also what so appealing about Horror Comics. There full of Blood, Gore, and they have no story in them.

Ethan. It's a person choice to brake the law not the way they dress. And my Horror Comics have plenty of good stories.

But before Eleanor or Emma could respond.

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