100- An Alpha's Curse [Part-3].

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The screen opens to Muddy Creek Church as a light storm moves over it as the changes inside the dinning room were the kids eating with Phara and Tanis. But they notice Ethan not eating and watching over the kids seeing there scars and gets lost in thought.

Ethan [Thought]- If only I was stronger maybe they wouldn't have suffered like this.

That when True Alpha voice comes through again.

True Alpha [Thoughts]- Yes. And that power I can give you if you just give me control!

But before Ethan can say anything Phara and Tanis snap him out of his thoughts.

Phara- Hey Ethan what's up?

Ethan- HU!? Ow Hi Phara. Um nothing much. Just thinking.

Tanis-  Are you sure why aren't you eating?

Phara- Ya. You seem a bit cheesy over here by yourself. Ha ha ha!

Tanis and Ethan look at Phara in disappointed. When Phara notice she becomes upset.

Phara- Ow come on that one was good.

Ethan- Ha. Ya as cold as a Phantom Morgue.

Tanis- Ha ha ha ha.

Phara feels like she turned into ice and shattered as Tanis laugh.

Phara- Ow come on Tanis that joke is dead as a graveyard.

Tanis- HA HA HA HA! You two are funny today. HU!?

 But before anyone could say anything else Priest Dave walked over.

Dave- Hello there our three heroes. How have you all been.

Phara- Dave! How ya been you old preacher. Ha ha.

Dave- All well Phara. So Ethan how's you've been.

Ethan- Well I just woke up. And well my mom told me a few things that happen but I was hoping you can tell me a few things.

Dave took a seat next to them.

Dave- Hmm. Where to start. Well the church is taking the kids you saved in as orphans or housing them until there parents recover while in the hospital.

Ethan- What!? 

Ethan was surprised hearing this. Tanis and Phara looked sad as Ethan looked over at them.

Dave- Ethan most of them were killed by that Slaver. When you and Winnie fight him.

Ethan has flash back of the Slaver impaling people with stalagmite. Ethan grips his hand enraged.

Ethan- We made things worse didn't we.

Tanis- No we didn't.

Phara- Ya we saved the kids from being enslaved along with there parents. Right Dave.

Dave- Well yes you did. Also given the situations like this it's rare for anyone getting out unharmed. So you all did well. And saved many lives.

Dave grabs Ethan shoulder getting his attention before letting go.

Ethan- I guess so. But even at my best I couldn't save them. And Winnie she got hurt because of me. . 

Ethan felt sad and stood there lost in thought. Tanis tugs on Ethan jacket snapping him out of thought.

Ethan- Tanis!?

Tanis- It's ok big brother. We saved who we can. 

Phara- Ha ha. She's right Ethie. Let's keep getting stronger so we can prevent this from happening again.

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