78. Old Habits [Part-7].

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Screen open to Helen walking towards Ethan and Winnie who's still in her Werewolf Beast Form tangled inside Helen vines trying to brake free. Ethan still look surprised at what Helen said.

Winnie [Thoughts]- Dam it. I knew this could happen. It's a good thing I sent out that Werewolf Flare earlier. Ha Miss Grim will be here soon. But just in case I have a back up plan. 

Winnie as a flash back to when they where running away from the giant alligator and her using a Werewolf Flare. 

Ethan- Why. . Why mom? I know how much pain your in after dad passed. But erasing mine and Winnie memory's wont fix the past.

Helen- I know Ethan. But that not why I'm doing this.

Winnie still enraged for being trapped. 

Winnie- Then why are you doing this mom I uh mean Helen.

Ethan look confused at Winnie almost calling Helen mom.

Helen- Ha. Well as a Mother it's my job to protect my kids. The Human and Monster Realm are at war again. And I don't want to see you two to be forced to fight each other.

Ethan- But why erase our memory's?

Helen- It was a deal with The Freedom Fighter Core. 

Winnie- You made a deal with those hacks. There backstab you the moment they get a good deal from the Magic Courts.

Ethan- Wait? What's the Freedom Fighter Core?

Winnie [Thoughts]- Ow right Ethan doesn't know about the core and what there for.

Helen- Well son the Core was formed after the first invasion from the Monster Realm. The government higher up decided to keep the first war events hidden from the public. Worried that it could lead to panic or calls for a larger scale war.

Ethan- That sounds like a terrible idea. Eventually this will get to the public then what?

Helen- Yes It will. That why they have back up plans and funding to properly control the situation. That why they offered me the deal to keep you two protected.

Winnie- Like how they protected Tanis and Nova!

Helen grips her fist in anger over Winnie comment.

Ethan- Wait? What happened to Nova?

Helen- I think that's enough questions. It time for us to go home together.

Helen reaches to erase Ethan memory's again but Winnie manages to use a Magma Repulse blasting Helen back but she manages to remain up right sliding her feet across the dirt. The vines holding Ethan and Winnie was burned away.

Winnie- Ethan I'm going to keep Helen distracted. Keep running forward you should run into our school. Get Miss Grim she'll be able to stop Helen.

Ethan- Wait. What happened to my cousin?! Winnie!

Winnie couldn't look Ethan in the eyes. 

Winnie- I'm sorry Ethan. She was killed while fighting Helen.

Ethan looked shocked and upset he covers his eyes hiding his tears. Helen see's this and looks upset but covering it up while watching them.

Winnie- Look Ethan we need to focus on Helen. Other wise there sacrifice will be for nothing.

Ethan wipe away his tears and look mad.

Ethan- Ya. What's the plan.

Winnie- Ha. Stay behind I'll me. I'll clear a path out of here for you.

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