36. Monster Open House [Halloween SPECIAL] [Part.1].

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Screen opens to Revolta Castle thrown room. Broot kneels before here.

Revolta. So have you manage to get into contact with Envy.

Broot. Unfortunately no my Empress I'm afraid she has probably been silenced.

Right when he said that the doors to the swing open as Jester was telekinesis push through thr thrown room door. And slams into Broot.

Clover [Jester]. Weee!

Broot. UHF! Gr!

Clover. Sorry uncle but Envy grandma back.

Broot. Hu!? Your alive.

As Envy enter the room.

Envy. Of course. It will take more then that old hag Helen to kill me.

Revolta. Why didn't you contact me.

Envy kneels before Revolta.

Envy. I was badly injured and needed to recover my Empress. Now I have returned to continue our plans.

Revolta. Ha very well. Rebuild your army. Until then Broot and Jester will deal with both the Rangers and Ms. Grim Girls.

Envy. As you wish Empress. I shall begin right away.

As Envy was leaving Jester runs up to Envy.

Clover. Hey Grandma Envy did you bring me a Scream Berry.

Envy. Hm. Now let me. Ow you mean these.

Envy armor grow some Scream Berry's and hands it to Jester. 

Clover. yes yes that it. Thank you grandma.

Envy. Uh your welcome my little demon Jester.

Envy pats her on the head. The screen changes to Ms. Grim school inside the guest bed room. Were Ethan waking up.

Ethan. Uh! Were am I?

That when he notice Winnie on top of him with her wrapped around him. Along with Tanis and Phara in bed with him.

Ethan [Confused, Embarrassed, and Thoughts]. What the heck happened last night! Ok calm down think. I remember Winnie slipping and hitting me with the cake then I passed out. Alright I have no idea what happened. AHHH!

That when the door open and Ms. Grim walked in.

Ms. Grim [Shocked and Disappointed]. Alright Ethan breakfast ready. Uh! Girls Wake up now!

That wakes up the three girls. They see an angry Ms. Grim.

Phara. Uh ha ha. Ow Ms. Grim we can explain.

Ms. Grim. Ethan go down stairs and have breakfast. I need to have a private talk with my girls.

Ethan. Um. Sure thing Ms. G.

As Ethan left screen changes to the kitchen. Were Sibella and Elean have finished there breakfast. Ethan breakfast on the table ready for him.

Elean. Ha. It would seem headmistress found the other girls.

Sibella. Indeed. That what they get for sleeping with a Human.

Ethan walked into the kitchen.

Ethan. Good morning Sibella and Elean.

Sibella and Elean. Morning Ethan.

Elean. So how was your sleep.

Ethan [Blush]. Uh? I have no idea. Ha.

Sibella. Ow don't think that way. They were worried about you and wanted to check on you.

Ethan. Really!?

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