13. Alchemy and Pranks. Parts.2.

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Screen opens to Muddy Creek and changes to Church Clock Tower Ringing at 4.00.P.M. Then screen changes to inside Jon's Butcher Shop that empty. With only Jon cleaning the counters. Until the door rings. And Ethan, Winnie, and Phara walked in.

Jon. Well hey there. Glad to see your all still alive.

Winnie. Hey there Executioner. Ready for a big order.

Jon grabs his chef knife flip it in his hand.

Jon. Ha. You know I am little Werewolf.

Phara [Happy]. Ha Ha Ha! He is right you are small Winnie.

Winnie [Mad]. GRR!!

Jon. So what will you be buying today.

Ethan. I'll have a Pumpkin Burger and Fries.

Winnie. I'll take take Sweet Honey BBQ Ribs and Spicy Fries Butcher.

Phara [Happy]. Ha Ha. I'll have the Asylum Special.

Jon. Ha. Have you been taking your medicine Phara?

Phara [Evil Smile]. Ha Ha Ha. You know it Tormenter.

This shocked Ethan how creepy Phara said that. Winnie just looked unamused.

Phara. Anyways Sibella, Elean, and Tanis will have the regular. And it's to go.

Jon. Hm. Well that's just like them. I'll have it a few seconds.

Phara. Thanks Jon.

Jon. UH-HUH! 

As Jon began to cook. Ethan Winnie and Phara sat at the bar seats waiting for there food.

Jon. I can sense you become a little bit stronger Ethan.

Ethan Ya I've been doing very well and I'm close to being able to properly use Lightning.

Jon. That's good. I've also known you were attacked in the Dark Forest.

Ethan [Shocked]. Wait! You were spying on me?!

Winnie was surprised but remains silent and listen. And Phara wasn't surprised and just creepily grins.

Winnie [Thoughts]. What!? I didn't sense him there.

Phara [Happy]. Aww! You do care for use Jonny. Ha Ha Ha.

Jon. Well your mom wanted me to keep an eye on you. And yes she knows about your injuries and what happens. So prepare for a nice talk with here when you get home.

Ethan [Sarcasm]. Ow well that nice. 

Ethan [Thoughts]. AHHH!! My mom going to kill me.

Everyone could tell Ethan panicking inside.

Winnie. Come on Ethan. Your mom will understand you were protecting Tanis.

Phara [Happy]. Ya. So quit panicking. I'm sure she'll understand.

Ethan [Sarcasm]. Ha ya hopefully.

Jon. Order up!

Winnie. Ha finally. Thanks ya old cook.

Phara. MMM-MMM! It's smells great Jon. 

Ethan. Ya. Thanks for the food.

Jon. Don't thanks me. Thank Phara. That will $75.50.

Phara tossed Jon a golden bar.

Phara. Ha Ha. Here this should cover it right.

Jon looks at the golden bar and smiles. 

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