92-True Alpha Bets[Part-4].

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Screen opens to Shadow Pack Castle window were Four shadow figure looking down at  Jason facing Dameon while Nubia and Violet glair at each other. As the storm above flashes with lightning and heavy rain falls.

Mila- So who's your coin on this time. Preston old friend.

Mila gives a happy smile at Preston who stood firm and respectful.

Preston- Hm. Hard to say they both are powerful. Knowing Jason and Dameon there close to each other in skill and power. As for for his Beta I know little to nothing about however Violet might be more then she can handle. Hmm.

Mila- Ha ha. I love how much thought you put into things it make thing like this enjoyable.

Preston says nothing but has a warm smile on his face.

Allant- True Alpha. This is a disgrace we must stop this before word gets out.

Alexander- There is nothing to worry about Allant. No ones out in this weather beside even if there were it would be easy to cover up. I just wonder one thing what are they fighting over now.

Allant- Knowing them. It maybe another one of there bets. I just hope they don't go full and destroy half the city like they did with my kingdom.

Alexander- Do not worry. I shall deal with them if it comes to that again. Until then enjoy the show.

Allant relaxes as ne faces the window. The screen changes to a church not far from the castle as a Black Robed figure with Vampire eyes watch the battle about to happen while holding a small crystal ball.

Vampire Shadow- Sir it seems like Alpha Jason is about to dual. Permission to record.

Henry [Sibella Father]- Permission granted Shadow. Return to me once the battle over. We can't afford being discovered. The King and the Magic Court would have my head.  

Vampire Shadow- Of course Lord Henry. Shadow over and out.

[Vampire Shadow Description- The Shadow are spy's of the Vampire Empire. They wear full Black Robes and Leather Armor. They carry daggers cross bow smoke bombs and trained to hide themselves from powerful Aura users]. 

 The screen then changes to Jason facing Dameon while Nubia and Violet glair at each other. As the Magic Circle finish forming Jason the first to charge at Dameon pulling out his sword that burns a Dark Blue Silver. The speed surprised Dameon, Nubia, and Violet.

Violet [Thoughts]- What!? He's fast.

Nubia [Thoughts]- Ha. So Jason was hiding his true power.

Dameon managed to dodge Jason attacks but a small cut appears on his shoulder even though the sword didn't hit him. This surprised Dameon who sense Wind Aura flowing through his weapons.

Dameon- Ha ha. Impressive speed fellow Alpha. HU!!

Dameon [Thoughts]- What how did he hit me unless. Ah. 

Dameon- Using Wind Aura I see. Come now Jason such basic trick wont kill me so easily.

Jason didn't speak and continue his attack as Nubia took this distraction to charge at Violet while changing into her beast Tar Werewolf Form. Her Claws Burn a Black Silver. But she wasn't fast enough as Violet taps her foot on the ground that causes earth spikes emerge from the ground along with a wall with wolfbane on it and Werewolf head looking at Nubia. This force Nubia to smash through them to get to Violet.

Nubia [Thoughts]- GRR! Dam it wolfbane! I need to stop her before she changes into her Werewolf Form.

As Nubia cut through the spikes Violet body was consumed by black Fog as sounds of cracking bones. Once Nubia got to Earth Wall the Werewolf Head blows out powder wolfbane poison at Nubia. 

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