94- Slavers and Gateway Breach [Part-1].

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Screen opens to Ethan Tanis Winnie and Phara walking through the woods.

Winnie- Your mom makes the best food Ethie.

Phara- Ha ha. Ya her Chocolate Chip Pancakes are to die for. Ha ha ha ha!

Tanis- Yep they were very good.

Ethan- You know she's just fattening you up so you three can't run away. You know that right.

They all look shocked at Ethan word then she Helen as an evil witch chef and the three of them unable to move. This filled them with dread. 

Tanis- Uh um. Really brother?

Ethan- No it's a joke. Gee I didn't know you three where that scared of my mom.

Phara- Ha ha. Good one Ethan. But Helen can be scary sometimes.

Winnie- Ha. She doesn't scare me. I could take her.

As Winnie said that Phara used her illusion powers to turn into an Evil Helen chief covered in blood and holding a Silver knife.

Phara [Helen Voice]- Are you sure about that my little Hot Dog! 

Winnie- YIP!! UHF!

Winnie opens her eyes and yipes and falls back words as Ethan Phara laugh. As Phara changed back to normal. Tanis didn't find it funny.

Ethan and Phara- HA HA HA HA HA!!

Ethan- Good one Phara. 

Phara- Ha ha ha. Ya that was great.

Tanis- That not funny you two. Winnie could have gotten hurt.

Winnie- Na. It's alright Tanis. It will take more then that to hurt this Werewolf.

Ethan- Her let me help you up Fur Ball.

Winnie- Sure thing War Boy.

As Ethan helped Winnie back up Tanis feels something wrong and feels pain as she grabs her shoulder like they where being whipped repeatably. Ethan notice something wrong.

Ethan- Hey Tanis you ok?

Tanis- Um ya but do you all feel that?

Ethan and the other look around using there senses to try and pick up something but they get nothing.

Ethan- Feel what Tanis.

Winnie- Ya I don't sense anything.

Phara- Maybe your stressed out from yesterday vision?

Tanis- No I sense pain and suffering.

Tanis began to shake and look afraid.

Ethan- Hey easy there. This place carry's a lot of Dark Aura. It best not to stress you powers here Tanis.

Phara- Ha ha. Ya Ethan right. After yester days fight we really over did it. But I'm glad I can walk again. Ha ha ha.

Phara pointed to her legs but everyone look at Phara strange who's levitating in confusion.

Winnie- Anyways I'm sure everything's fine. Beside where going to see Mark. He might have some good stuff for us to buy. Also since his shop faraway from the fighting going on.

Tanis- I guess so. Maybe your right. With the Military fighting Revolta monster in the forest could be clouding my senses. But I can't shake the feeling that something bad going to happened.

Phara- Speaking of bad feelings where did your mom run off to in a hurry Ethan.

Winnie- Ya was she late for work or something?

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